2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in
our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed
in the face of Christ.
Snow snuffed the light.
The eleven inches of snow buried the solar panel for my
decorative outdoor lights. In my flower bed, I had placed a shepherd’s hook and
hung a recycled, glass bird feeder I had filled with strings of fairy lights.
The sun powers the tiny lights, and they illuminate the area. After the snow
covered the solar panel, the lights stopped glowing. Rather than dig out the
snow, I waited for the sun to melt it, then cleared what little was left.
I missed the glow of the fairy lights. They brightened the
night and gave us enough light to see the sidewalk to the front door. After the
snow melted and the solar panel gathered light and gave energy to the tiny
bulbs, I looked out the window and saw them glowing. Their simple glow brought
comfort and joy to me.
Like the fairy lights, if I don’t feed my soul with God’s
word, prayer, and community, my light dims and may even go out. I need the fuel
and energy I gain from the scripture, communicating with God, and sharing life
with people who love Jesus.
I’m thankful for the light my family and friends shine on
me. I’m grateful for the Bible that fuels me and the Holy Spirit who guides me.
God’s light shines on my heart and reminds of the sacrifice of
Jesus. He died on the cross and took on my sins, so I can live with freedom
from the world, have peace in my heart, and be a light for Him.
Soak in Jesus’ light and glorify God.