Saturday, June 29, 2024


John 14:5-7
Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”

Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.”-Jesus

My dad worked with his hands. As a welder, he could fix anything made of metal. He repaired cars, faucets, bicycles, and about anything we broke. When I was an adult, I still called on him to fix things.

We saw him for the work of his hands, but as I’ve aged and gained some wisdom, I’ve realized how much dad worked with his brain. His hands didn’t just magically fix things; no, he reasoned out what needed to be done. He had the intelligence and thought process of an engineer and even more—he cared. He loved Jesus and adored his family, especially his grandkids. If you knew my dad, you most likely knew his family.

When Jesus talked to the disciples about his future on earth, he reminded them that he needed to go about his Father’s business. Thomas didn’t understand where Jesus was going, and Jesus assured him if he knew God, he also knew him.

The only way to be reconciled with God is through his son, Jesus. They are one with each other and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He connects me to God and fills me with hope every single day. I thank Jesus for his sacrifice and taking on the sins of people like me. He didn’t have to obey his Father, and die on the cross, but he did.

My prayer is for everyone to choose to have their relationship restored with God through Jesus.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Candytuft Surprise

We've been experiencing temperatures in the nineties in southern Ohio.
I'm not a fan, but I know it's part of the cycle of the seasons.

One thing I do love are the flowers blooming this time of year.

These purple candytufts were a delightful discovery.
My granddaughter, Dylan, planted the seeds from a wildflower packet,
and I've had some lovely surprises.

Enjoy the season wherever you are. 
What flowers are you enjoying?


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Choices in Baseball and Life

John 7:16-18
Jesus answered, “My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me. Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own. Whoever speaks on their own does so to gain personal glory, but he who seeks the glory of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him.

The rhythm of the game of baseball relaxes me. The runners round the bases in order—first, second, third, and home—and the rules make sense, most of the time.

This summer a grandson is playing the great American game, Tim is ushering at the Reds, and a granddaughter is playing softball. My family has a long friendship with the game. Grandpa Griffith hosted baseball games at his farm in the 1920s and 30s. Mom shared stories of watching the men lift their bats and run the bases.

As I’ve watch baseball and softball, I see the players making a lot of decisions. How far to run to field the ball, when to run and when to stay on base, when to hit and when to wait.

Much like baseball, life is full of choices. Every day I’m faced with decisions. What to do, how to react, what to say, but I have an advantage when it comes to the choices I make. I talk to God and seek his wisdom for what I should do. Like the baseball player looks to the coach, I seek God’s wisdom. You see, I love God, and I want to glorify him and follow his will.

In my decisions, I seek God’s wisdom and when I forget, I struggle. God gives free will, and he wants me to choose. So I choose him. I Praise God for his wisdom and the freedom of being a believer.

Bend God’s ear when you have choices to make.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Children's Picture Book Reviews

Kit and the Missing Notebook is a story about calming anxiety. Kit and her family move to a new town, and Kit can't find her precious notebook where she writes all the things she wants to remember. With the help of her new neighbors, she learns some techniques that help calm her anxiety. 

This is a sweet story that's perfect to read aloud to children. The way the authors present the various coping techniques is unique and spot on. The authors also include notes in the back that talk about why they wrote the story and how to use the methods in the book to help a child. Mrs. G's soup recipe is included as well. The illustrations are perfect for the story. 

Race to Kindness is about a race where everyone wins by spreading kindness throughout the community. The story, written by Time's 2021 Kid of the Year, is inspired by his desire to collect toys, food, and books for kids in need. It's an inspiration for all readers and a book that needs to be added to all classrooms and libraries. 

The illustrations are colorful and fun and include the author as a boy leading the way to kindness.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Inside Out

Proverbs 14:30
A heart at peace gives life to the body,
     but envy rots the bones.

As I walked along the vegetable aisle at the local grocery store, I searched for a red pepper. The one I found shone with a healthy red color and felt firm to the touch. I held it up, and the skin appeared perfect, not one blemish, and the stem still held its green color. 

I’d found the perfect red pepper. After I arrived home, I set out the vegetables I wanted in my salad. I chopped the broccoli into small sections, cut up some carrots and celery, and sliced a few olives in half. Then I prepared to cut into that beautiful pepper.

The knife slid through the skin and pulp and the pepper fell open. I couldn’t believe what I saw. Rot. The entire inside of the perfect red pepper was covered in mold. I’m sure you’ve guessed—I threw it in the garbage. I couldn’t eat a rotten red pepper. Disappointment filled me. I had looked forward to the flavor it would add to my salad.

The pepper reminded me of social media. We tend to put our best foot forward, share pictures of what appears to be a somewhat perfect life, yet in reality, no one has a perfect life. There’s not a thing wrong with sharing the positive and uplifting days. It’s encouraging, but I have to remember that everyone else goes through trials and difficulties. I guard against the envy I might feel for what others have or do by inviting God’s peace and contentment into my heart.

Instead of projecting a perfect appearance, I try to be myself. Whether on social media or in person, if you meet me, you’ll likely see warts and all. I don’t want to be the person who looks perfect on the outside but is rotting inside. I’d rather be my imperfect self and have the love of Jesus in my heart and the Holy Spirit in my soul so I might have a peace filled life.

Have a heart at peace by loving Jesus.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Such Beauty

I am amazed by the vast range of colors God has created.
These beautiful impatiens spread across a flower bed in Cincinnati,
and I had to snap a photo. 

Do you notice the vibrancy of summer flowers?
They lift my spirits and add joy to my day.
Thank you, Lord, for creating such beauty.


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Don't Let Him Steal Your Joy

1 Samuel 16:7
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

I experienced joy in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Have you ever experienced something or attended a gathering where you tasted a hint of heaven? That’s what I experienced at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.

I spent a week at the Ridgecrest Conference Center immersed in fellowship, worship, and education. More than knowledge, wisdom swirled in those mountains. Every day we spent two sessions listening to encouraging and hope-filled messages from the keynote speakers. We were led in worship by a young couple who blessed us with their love of Jesus. We attended classes led by amazing authors and folks in the publishing industry, and I met fellow writers who, like me, needed encouragement to stay obedient to the call to write.

The experience as a whole filled me with hope and anticipation, but I knew when I went home to my family (who I longed to see) and every day life, I’d need to ease back into life. I say this because I know the Devil and his wily ways. He can’t wait to suck the joy out of me, but Kia Stephens, the final keynote speaker, reminded me to guard my heart from the one who wants to inflict doubt.

God told Samuel He looks at the heart, and Proverbs reminds me to guard my heart because everything flows from it.

One way to keep my heart safe from attack is to praise God, lift my face to Jesus, and allow the Holy Spirit to fill me with peace.

When the devil attacks—fight backlift your voice and sing. It doesn’t matter if it’s off key or not, just praise the Father and ask Him to fill your heart with His hope and peace.