Thursday, August 1, 2024

Today is the Day!

Happy Birthday, Hope at Last!

I'm excited to share that Home at Last is here at last.

Abbott Island book 3:

When mysterious holes are discovered on Abbott Island, Lucy Grayson wants answers. She also longs for a special someone in her life. 


Local farmer, Owen Miller finds himself helping Lucy solve the mystery. As they dig into the island history and gather clues, will they find more than hidden treasure? Perhaps they’ll discover love? 

Order your copy at: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or other places books are sold.


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A Partridge in a Pea

I love when I find an unexpected beauty.

While I tried to photograph gold finches at the park, 
I stumbled across this golden charmer. 

The partridge pea hid in the meadow 
behind a plethora of spent beebalm, the finches fed from.

The leaves are lovely and the flower attracts bees and butterflies.

God has created the most amazing flora.


Saturday, July 27, 2024

What's Holding You Back?

Deuteronomy 31:6
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Tim and I walked Rosie along the paved path at the local park. As we rounded a curve, we stopped. The night before, a storm had blown through and the wind had knocked over a couple of trees. We couldn’t see the path beyond the downed trees.

We had a choice, turn around and head the other direction or climb through the mess and try to get to the other side. Wisdom told us to turn and hike back along the path we’d taken. Out of curiosity, we walked all the way around and checked out the other side of the fallen trees. By the time we finished, a crew of groundskeepers arrived to clean up the trees.

When I saw the barrier, my first thought was, “What’s holding me back?” Then I wondered, “How do I move forward?” Both good questions.

At times, I’m stopped in my tracks and have to reevaluate what to do. Sometimes, I need to move forward past the obstacles in my way, other times I need to turn around and reassess my circumstances. If we’d tried to climb over the trees, I’m sure one of us (me) would’ve been injured. So why chance it when I know it’s not the right move?

But there are times when God calls us to move forward, and it’s scary, or I simply feel uncertain. In Deuteronomy, Moses is speaking to the Israelites as they prepare to enter the Promised Land. Moses is old and won’t be going with them, but he reminds them of an important truth. God is going with them. Moses calls them to be strong and courageous.

Every day I make choices. Sometimes roadblocks like fear and discouragement stand in my way, even guilt over a decision that may affect other people. God calls us to ask Him for guidance. He’s with us and He assures us He listens and loves us.

With God by our side, we can be strong and courageous no matter what tries to hold us back.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Queen Anne's Lovely Lace

When I was a child, I was fascinated with the 
Queen Anne's lace that grew in our ditch.
Also known as wild carrot, 
the intricate blooms formed gorgeous patterns.

An old legend says the wildflower herb is named after 
Queen Anne of England who hand made beautiful lace. 
If you look closely, you can see the dark spot in the center of the flower.
Supposedly, she pricked her finger and a drop of blood fell on her lace.

Whether it's true or not, it's an entertaining story.

I still get excited when I see this lovely bloom of summer.
What do you like to see in bloom? 
Do you have any favorites from childhood?


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Don't Stop Praying

Acts 1:13-14
When they arrived, they went upstairs to the room where they were staying. Those present were Peter, John, James and Andrew; Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew; James son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James. They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.

Prayer is not a last resort—it is our most powerful weapon.

A newspaper clipping was making the rounds on Facebook that asked everyone to stop what they were doing and pray for our country for one minute. If we as believers, in the power of prayer to our heavenly Father, asked for deliverance, wisdom, and truthimagine the outcome.

At times, I've flung up a prayer in desperation, not realizing the powerful tool I had at my fingertips. Think about it, as a fumbling human, I have the opportunity to speak directly to the Creator of the universe. I can call on Him any time, and He hears me. That's incredible!

Not only does He hear me, He cares about whatever I'm asking.

In Acts chapter one, the apostles and followers of Jesus found themselves at a loss. Their beloved teacher and friend had died. Yes, he rose from the grave, but his closest cohorts found themselves without their friend and leader. They needed to move forward and establish the church but were perplexed about the situation.

They didn't sit around and grumblethey prayedand not just a few words aimed toward God, they talked to Him constantly. The folks who knew and loved Jesus talked to God all the time, to seek guidance and direction for their lives and for the church.

These days I find I have much to pray aboutfolks who are ill, our military, Christians who are suffering at the hands of evil, the unrest in our country, my family and friends, my writing, and so much more.

God calls me to pray. To seek Him, to talk to Him about the concerns of my heart. I won't get a better offer.

Pray constantly to the One who listens.

Matthew West sings the song of my heart, right now. Please, take a listen.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Flowers of Summer

Every year, I'm amazed at the flowers that sprout and bloom from seed.

My granddaughter, Dylan, sprinkled the seeds of these lovely flowers,
and they've brought me great joy, both because 
they are my favorite color and because Dylan planted them. 

I hope the flowers of summer are filling you with wonder and hope.


Saturday, July 13, 2024

Are You Ready?

Mark 1:1-3
The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, as it is written in Isaiah the prophet:

“I will send my messenger ahead of you,
    who will prepare your way”—
“a voice of one calling in the wilderness,
‘Prepare the way for the Lord,
    make straight paths for him.’”

It's baseball season.

I had the joy of attending a Cincinnati Reds baseball game with my granddaughter and her boyfriend. We sat in my husband’s section, where he ushers. Before the game, I was watching the behind-the-scenes action on the field. One of the field crew smoothed the dirt with a drag matt he pulled behind his small tractor. After he finished, a crew brought out a water hose and doused the dirt. I had watched this process before, at other games, but at this game it reminded me of how many people it takes to get things ready ahead of time.

The folks in the concession stand, the ticket takers, security, ushers and more, get the baseball stadium ready for the fans and players.

Isaiah prophesied about the preparation for the coming Messiah. John the Baptist got things ready. He preached of one coming who would reconcile people with God. He prepared the way for Jesus. Without John, the listeners may not have believed Jesus was the Son of God.

Jesus lived on this earth, died for our sins, and rose again in victory over the grave. Now we have one more thing to prepare for. His return. He’ll come on clouds of glory and welcome God’s children home.

How am I preparing for that? Reading the Bible to better understand the life God wants me to lead. Praying for my loved ones and folks in need and talking to God about my own salvation. Attempting to live a life that reflects the love of Jesus on others. Loving God and loving people.

Be ready for Jesus’ return. He’s coming back.