Saturday, February 10, 2024

Love Never Fails

1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

I read a post on Facebook recently, written to teenagers who were developing crushes. The writer advised the teen to replace the name of the person they liked for the word love in 1 Corinthians 13. I’ve also heard pastors encourage their congregation to do the same thing with their own names. It’s good advice on both counts.

Love is patient. Whoa! One of the most difficult characteristics to nurture is the very first one Paul, the author of Corinthians, mentions. I used to cringe at the word patience, because I wanted more. How ironic is that? Over time, God has helped me grow through circumstances to gain more patience.

Love is kind. We talk a lot about being kind. My granddaughter bought me a charm that said, “Kind people are my kind of people.” I love it, and I pray every day for a kinder world.

Love doesn’t envy, boast, or think more of themselves than others (pride.) Jesus gave the ultimate example of humility. The Son of God died for me and you.

Love doesn’t dishonor. I enjoy a good joke, as much as the next person, but I shouldn't put someone else down to make myself feel good. Respect others.

Love is not self-seeking. Let’s look out for each other. Time on earth is short compared to eternity, so why not take care of each other to make the journey better?

Love is not easily angered. When I was young, I had a temper, and I spent many hours praying for God to help me control it, and He did. God hears and helps.

Love keeps no records of wrongs and does not delight in evil. Start over every day, forgive, and rejoice in truth.

Love always trusts in God, hopes in Jesus, and perseveres with the Holy Spirit’s help.

Love never fails because God never fails. We can’t do this alone. We need God and each other.

Love makes a difference.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

And God Inspired Books

In this world of constant attention grabbing and alarm creating social media and news, I am thankful for the solid consistency of books.

When I write books, the words go through a process. The stories are not just thrown together and posted without forethought. Instead, they are vetted by me, my critique partner, my beta reader, and finally my editor.

I thank God for books, especially the book He inspired most. I find myself excited to read the stories in the Bible. David’s Psalms inspire me and give me hope and confidence in God. Luke’s accounts in the book of Acts teach me perseverance and inspiration. The gospels teach the truth of Jesus.

God created words for us to communicate truth, to tell stories, and to learn and share.

Do you have a favorite book? A favorite book of the Bible?

Saturday, February 3, 2024

He Loved and Healed

Matthew 9:10-13
While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Jesus loves people. It doesn't matter who they were, where they came from, or their occupation. He took the time to sit down with the folks he met, get to know them and share with them His Story. Yes, he talked to them about salvation because he loved them. Back in his day, tax collectors were often cheaters who stole money for themselves from the collected taxes. They were pretty much low-lifes in the eyes of the community. And you can bet the religious leaders of the day didn't bother to even say hello. Yet Jesus sat down at the table with Matthew.

Tax collectors weren't the only ones Jesus befriended. His disciples were a bunch of regular guys who were sometimes a bit clueless and smelled like fish. But he loved them and taught them about the new kingdom, his kingdom, and his sacrifice. Then there were the women. Mary Magdalene had been filled with demons. Jesus cast them out of her, and she followed him. He loved children and protected them. He loved older people, sick people, and sinners. Jesus wasn't a push-over. He was a caretaker, one who wanted the best for everyone he met. And that best is salvation. So you might be surprised who the Lord hung out with. It wasn't the kings or queens, rabbis or teachers. Oh, he spoke with them, too. But he spent his precious time on earth with regular people. Like you and me. And he still wants to, through us.

He invited regular old Joes and Janes to take up the cross and follow him. He included the lame, the lepers, and the dying into his fold. He healed and loved. Knowing how Jesus cared for people, how can I do any less? It's hard for me because I'm not exactly a people person, yet God puts folks in my path and says love them. With his help, I do.

How about you? Who has Jesus called you to love? Who has he asked you to share his story with?

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Writer Mouse

Several years ago, a few days after Christmas, I dropped my youngest off to spend a few hours with her aunt, uncle, and cousins. While I waited for her, I visited a coffee shop with my laptop in hand. I’d been fiddling with writing a novel, and on that day I took the plunge and decided to take the possibility of publishing a novel seriously. Before I settled in to write, I spied an after-Christmas sale. The larger mouse you see in the picture caught my eye. I’m not terribly fond of real mice, but the stuffed variety is rather cute.

When I picked the little guy up, I read his tag and found he was called Writer Mouse. Of course I bought him. He’s reminded me to keep writing, ever since. I call him Nutmeg. Some might say I’m silly, but after spending years as a children’s librarian, I developed a good imagination. Plus, I like stuffed animals. (The bear was a gift from friends who encouraged me to write and the little mouse is from Greenville, SC.)

I’m hoping Nutmeg inspires me to write many more stories.

How about you? Do you have a favorite stuffed animal? Or something or someone who reminds you to keep writing?

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Need an Umbrella?

Hosea 6:3

Let us acknowledge the Lord;
    let us press on to acknowledge him.
As surely as the sun rises,
    he will appear;
he will come to us like the winter rains,
    like the spring rains that water the earth.

“Sometimes life just calls for an umbrella.”-Unknown

January rain poured outside and annihilated the snow from last weekend. For a few days, the ground was covered with beauty and calm, then the rains came and mud stirred. I’m not a fan of mud with a dog to walk, but we manage, as long as she doesn’t lie down and roll.

I’m not troubled by the dark days of winter, but I know many people struggle with the dreariness. We all need sun to balance the rain.

Dreary days may not come from the weather conditions, but from illness, too much debt, missing someone, making mistakes, sinning against God, or any other difficulty. It’s easy to curl into the sorrow and sadness of hopelessnessbut with Godhope is as sure as the sun rising.

I’m thankful God holds the umbrella for me. He stops the rain from drowning me and shines His light on my situation. When I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I knew I’d live the rest of my life in pain. At times, the pain gets me down. I hurt physically and mentally, but spiritually, I hold on to the hope of brighter days. Thankfully, my husband and family understand. With my hope in God and my support system, the struggle lessens, and I can store the umbrella in a basket.

Hosea reminds me that no matter my situation, God comes to me like he did the Israelites. They struggled for years, but God hung with them, reminding them to turn away from their sin and sorrow and follow Him.

Let God pour over you or let Him hold the umbrella against the rains. Whatever you do, seek Him.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Snowman's Story

Everything looks magical when it snows.-Lorelai Gilmore

I've met Will Hillenbrand at several book festivals and rode on the same plane with him to a library conference, years ago. On the plane, as I witnessed him sketching illustrations, I realized how privileged I was to experience one of the great talents in the field of children's books creating his art. 

One of my favorite Hillenbrand books is Snowman's Story. There are no words, but the illustrations depict a beautiful tale. As you share this book with your children, let them tell you the story of this delightful snowman and the rabbit family.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Rejoice With Singing

Zephania 3:17

“The Lord your God is with you,
    the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
    in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
    but will rejoice over you with singing.”

Music is a piece of art that goes in the ears, straight to the heart. – The Minds Journal

Music played, in the home I grew up in, most of the time. My mom listened to what is now classic country, Elvis, and gospel along with music from the forties. I heard rock and roll and fifties classics on my siblings record players. Of course, I had my own stack of popJohn Denver, James Taylor, Carole King, and Carley Simon. My forty-fives (remember those?) lived in a black and white checked case. I’m not sure what happened to them, but I remember sitting on the floor and sorting them into favorites, which changed every week. I can’t forget the cassette player and recording songs from the radio. We seventies teens had our own way of making a playlist.

I mostly listen to contemporary Christian music now and enjoy the occasional foray back to the seventies. But the best music in my life doesn’t come from a radio, or Amazon music. I love to hear my children and grandchildren sing, and I adore the worship service at church when we all raise our voices together to praise God, as we sing to Him in one voice.

When I read Zephania 3:17, I paused and considered the last part. God will rejoice over me in singing. What? I thought singing came from believers to God. What a joy to know God sings over us. As I consider what that means, my heart rejoices. When I walk outside and hear the wind, the birds, the rustle of the trees I’m reminded God sings over mebecause He loves me. He cares about my comings and goings. He delights in me as I delight in Him.

When you feel down, stop and listen to God sing over you. He’s there.