Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Children's Book Review: Mama Kisses, Papa Hugs by Lisa Tawn Bergren (Author), Aleksander Zolotic (Illustrator)

Book Description:
Parents are always looking out for the perfect bedtime book to create a sense of well-being before a night of rest. Mama Kisses, Papa Hugs explores a child's curiosity about how love is shown between parent and child, with the reassurance that Mama and Papa will always love their little one. And like Lisa Tawn Bergren's young protagonist asks his mother, this question is pressing on the minds of many children:

"Mama, how does God kiss us?"

Mama smiled. "He kisses us a hundred times a day; although if you don't pay attention, you might miss it."

"At night he kisses us with a shooting star. In the morning, he kisses us with sunlight, crawling across the fields and into our windows. On a hot summer afternoon, he kisses us with a gentle breeze. But most of all, he kisses us through our family. That's how God made us. That's why I give you Mama kisses."

My Review:
Aleksander Zolotic's artwork adds colorful, imaginative creatures, characters, and backgrounds to this delightful book. Lisa Tawn Bergren's sweet text will be fun for parents to read to their children. I love the idea of God hugs and kisses and the way Bergren explains them. God is all around us and he actively acknowledges us. This is a great reminder for adults as well. Enjoy sharing this story with children as you tuck them in at night. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Coming May 2020—Love is in the Air

All you have to do is look up.

This collection of five brand new romances is sure to send your heart soaring. Journey from Canada to Georgia and Colorado to Paris by way of Michigan as these couples find love is in the air. All they had to do was look up.

First Class Wrong Flight by Laura V. Hilton:

Candi Walker is excited to attend her former college roommate’s wedding. At least it’s a direct flight across the country and the potential of messing up is next to impossible…until she crashes into a handsome pilot. Now it’s a dream-come-true or her worst nightmare.

Alex Kuklewski has one last flight before he attends his stepsister’s wedding. Desperate to escape his tagalong ex-girlfriend’s clutches, Alex prays that his future wife would drop into his path. And she does. Too bad he and Candi aren’t headed to the same destination.

Emotional baggage on both sides exceeds the weight limit, and the flight to happily-ever-after seems grounded. What will it take for them to launch true love into the air?

A Castle in the Clouds by Candee Fick:

Aspiring romance novelist Miranda Scott has her head in the clouds and her nose buried in a book. Raised by a single mother, extravagant trips to castles overseas are only a fairy-tale…until a co-worker’s accident has her boarding a plane to teach creative writing on an all-expenses-paid school-sponsored trip. Family responsibilities kept Joshua Clark close to home, but it’s finally time for the history teacher to spread his wings. Hopefully his time chaperoning an overseas trip and seeing history in person will reveal what the next chapter holds.

However, falling in love surrounded by teenagers was never the plan.

Flying Into Love by Kathleen Rouser:

Unable to say no when others need her, Talia Sampson took on her deceased aunt’s advice column and the care of her special needs niece. Then new veteran, Ben Tanner, shows up unexpected on her doorstep. Hurt many times, he wonders where home is. Talia isn’t happy finding a hot-air balloon with him, but she treasures the old journal with it. Ben hopes restoring her family’s antique will please her, until he discovers a secret that shatters his trust. And Talia hates flying. Will she trust God—and Ben—enough to go airborne?

To Gain Forever by Tanya Eavenson:

Karianne Bennett, small-town wedding coordinator, has always believed in happily-ever-afters. That is, for everyone but herself. Her fiancĂ©’s alcohol-related death put an end to her own dreams and turned her career into a weekly reminder of all she’s lost. Hope comes when she adopts a retired service dog and a newcomer catches her eye.

Trey Scott has been fascinated with fireworks since he was a boy. If he can land the account for a hot-air balloon festival in an out-of-state town, he’ll be that much closer to achieving his lifelong goal. But his dreams never included a beautiful dog walker who also happens to be the stranger he’s been praying over for years.

Written in the Clouds by Kathleen Friesen:

A mysterious cloud formation, a nerve-wracking introduction for JR and Serena, an unexpected reunion for Jim and Blythe, a few traumatic memories, a pilot for the company plane, and another afraid of flying. Mix them together…and what in the world is God up to? Is it love at first flight?

Can love—for two generations—be written in the clouds?

*I haven't read these yet. My friend Kathleen is one of the authors. I've read and enjoyed other books by Kathleen Friesen, Laura Hilton, and Kathleen Rouser.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Fiction Book Review: The Happy Camper by Melody Carlson

Book Description:
Home is the place to heal, right? At least, that's what Dillon Michaels is hoping as she leaves her disappointing career and nonstarter love life behind to help her grieving and aging grandfather on his small Oregon farm. The only problem? Her eccentric mother beat her there and has taken over Dillon's old room. After a few nights sleeping on a sagging sofa, Dillon is ready to give up, until she receives an unlikely gift--her grandfather's run-down vintage camp trailer, which she quickly resolves to restore with the help of Jordan Atwood, the handsome owner of the local hardware store.

But just when things are finally beginning to run smoothly, Dillon's noncommittal ex-boyfriend shows up with roses . . . and a ring.

Full of quirky characters, family drama, and sweet romance, The Happy Camper will have you scouring Craigslist for your own diamond-in-the-rough camper to restore and haunting your local hardware store for a handy guy to help your dreams come true.

My Review:
Melody Carlson's books give me that feel good vibe. I found myself smiling and chuckling as I read The Happy Camper, a delightful story featuring Dillon, a hardworking young woman. She's left behind her corporate job and her boyfriend when she flees Colorado for her grandpa's farm in Oregon. I love all the quirky characters, from her mom to the woman who runs the Silver Slipper. If you've ever heard of glamping, you'll enjoy every minute of Dillan's adventure in camping. Of course there is the handsome bachelor, Jordan. He's likable and smart. If you need a relaxing, fun read pick up The Happy Camper. Guaranteed to add some joy to your day. P.S. I love the cover! I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Help for the Anxious

1 Peter 5:6-9
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

The more people I talk to, the more I hear anxiety rearing its ugly head. Even if you don't suffer from anxiety, the state of the world right now could raise anyone's insecurity to a new level.

I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder several years ago. Because I want to live a peaceful life, I practice different methods to keep my anxious thoughts at bay.

On a daily basis I remind myself there are things I simply cannot control. Those are the things I have to let go. I have to. If I don't let them go, they bury me like an avalanche.

Instead of lugging my worries around in a wheel barrow, I pray. I ask God to cart around my anxiety for me. He carries our burdens if we ask.

I read Bible verses every day. They ground me and remind me I have a Father who loves me. Even if I only read one verse, I'm reminded I have hope.

I talk to my family and friends. Find someone who understands.

Yes, I also work with a doctor to keep the receptors in my brain working properly.

If you have a family member or friend with a lot of anxiety. Be patient. These are trying times, and they may be overwhelmed. I think we all are.

Love your neighbors. Help the ones who can't help themselves. Lift each other in prayer to the One who cares.

Here are some Bible verses that help to calm and give hope. Hang them on your door, the refrigerator, the mirror. Focus on the promise of hope.

Psalm 33:20-22
We wait in hope for the Lord;
    he is our help and our shield.
In him our hearts rejoice,
    for we trust in his holy name.
May your unfailing love be with us, Lord,
    even as we put our hope in you.

Isaiah 40:29-31
He gives strength to the weary
    and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

Romans 15:13
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Do Not Fret

In Psalm 37:8 David writes, "do not fret."
Proverbs 12:25 says, "An anxious heart weighs a man down." 
In Philippians 4:6 Paul pens, "Do not be anxious about anything."

As difficult as it is to keep anxiety and worry at bay, God calls us to trust in him.
I've gotten up everyday this week, and repeated to myself: "I choose to trust in Jesus."
I have to verbalize it to keep myself calm and not worry so much.

Won't you join me in trusting in the God of miracles?

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Historical Fiction Book Review: Out of the Embers (Mesquite Springs Book #1) by Amanda Cabot

Book Description:
Ten years after her parents were killed, Evelyn Radcliffe is once more homeless. The orphanage that was her refuge and later her workplace has burned to the ground, and only she and a young orphan girl have escaped. Convinced this must be related to her parents' murders, Evelyn flees with the girl to Mesquite Springs in the Texas Hill Country and finds refuge in the home of Wyatt Clark, a talented horse rancher whose plans don't include a family of his own.

At first, Evelyn is a distraction. But when it becomes clear that trouble has followed her to Mesquite Springs, she becomes a full-blown disruption. Can Wyatt keep her safe from the man who wants her dead? And will his own plans become collateral damage?

Suspenseful and sweetly romantic, Out of the Embers is the first in a new series that invites you to the Texas Hill Country in the 1850s, when the West was wild, the men were noble, and the women were strong.

My Review:
I enjoyed reading this story set in the western world of early America. Evelyn is a strong woman determined to survive. She's taken on a little girl who is her perfect side kick. Wyatt is the quintessential cowboy, with a love for his horses, but a restless spirit. The town Evelyn lands in is one where the folks are friendly and fierce in their loyalty. What I liked the most was the twist at the end, when some secrets are revealed. I won't give that away, but I will say Amanda Cabot did a great job writing and weaving in the stories of the characters. Enjoy this book with a cup of coffee and a piece of pie. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.