Monday, February 10, 2020

Historical Fiction Review: The Land Beneath Us by Sarah Sundin (Sunrise at Normandy Book #3)

Book Description:
In 1943, Private Clay Paxton trains hard with the US Army Rangers at Camp Forrest, Tennessee, determined to do his best in the upcoming Allied invasion of France. With his future stolen by his brothers' betrayal, Clay has only one thing to live for--fulfilling the recurring dream of his death.

Leah Jones works as a librarian at Camp Forrest, longing to rise above her orphanage upbringing and belong to the community, even as she uses her spare time to search for her real family--the baby sisters she was separated from so long ago.

After Clay saves Leah's life from a brutal attack, he saves her virtue with a marriage of convenience. When he ships out to train in England for D-day, their letters bind them together over the distance. But can a love strong enough to overcome death grow between them before Clay's recurring dream comes true?

My Review:
The premise of The Land Beneath Us is interesting and compelling. I enjoyed Leah's story, the search for her sisters, and her determination to rise above her own experience. At that time, orphans were ridiculed and looked down on. Yet, Leah wanted to create a better life for herself and the orphaned children. Clay gave Leah hope in the midst of despair. The perfect gentleman, he showed her what a friend could be. Their story is different from any I've read. The depth of character shines. This is a beautiful story of forgiveness, faith and friendship. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Pray with Assurance

Psalm 16:7-8
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
    even at night my heart instructs me.
I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
    With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

I wake up at least once a night.

Every night when I go to sleep, I hope I'll stay in la-la land 'til morning. But my body has other plans. I'm older now, my constitution has changed, so I get up and take care of business. When I lay my head back on the pillow, there I am, eyes open, mind churning, thoughts darting. All I want is sleep. Sound familiar? I know I have family and friends who experience the same restlessness.

I've found one solution. Talk to God. Share my reflections, burdens, prayer requests, love, and praise. As I lift up my thoughts to my heavenly Father, I drift off to sleep. And that's okay. God understands. He'd rather I pray and fall asleep, than lay awake with racing thoughts.

When I read Psalm 16:7-8, I stopped. I read it again. Wow—even at night when I'm groggy, my heart instructs me. That instruction and direction comes from God. He's right there with me at two am. He's ready to listen to me when the dark covers the sky and the stars shine. The Lord who loves me stays near, so that I can, with confidence, rest in him.
God hears every pray. He's given us this amazing love language of communication.
Keep your eyes on the Lord. Talk to him with assurance, even in the middle of the night.
He loves to hear our prayers.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Fiction Suspense Book Review: Collision of Lies by Tom Threadgill

Book Description:
Three years ago, a collision between a fast-moving freight train and a school bus full of kids led to devastation and grief on an unimaginable scale. But a fresh clue leads San Antonio police detective Amara Alvarez to the unlikely conclusion that one of the children may still be alive. If she's correct, everything law enforcement believes about the accident is a lie.

With time running out, Amara must convince others--and herself--that despite all evidence to the contrary, the boy lives. And she will do everything in her power to bring him home.

My Review:
Fascinating read. The story is more than digging into a cold case that the community thought was solved. Collision of Lies also delves into the lives of the police and detectives who put themselves in danger to solve the mysterious case. Threadgill does a great job developing the characters' personalities. I love the way Amara handles herself, even when she doubts. She's a true hero. The others who surround and support her give an interesting look into how the cops work together (or don't.) The twists and turns will leave the reader wondering, until the very end. If you enjoy suspense or police procedurals, you'll want to read Collision of Lies. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

#CollisionOfLies #NetGalley

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

God's Love Language

I've heard that everyone has their own love language, a way that others affirm their love in a way that brings joy. God gifted us with prayer, as a way to talk to him. 
Through prayer we let God know we trust him, believe in him, and love him. 
Give God the gift of love.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Go With Joy

Luke 19:37-40
When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen:

“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”
Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!”
“I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

Nothing is more peaceful than sitting on a rock by Lake Erie and listening to the natural world.

I hear the waves crash on the shore. Birds splash in and out of the water. Leaves on the trees rustle in the wind. In that moment, I hear the voice of God through his creation. Even the people chattering behind me, as they visit the nearby lighthouse, remind me of God's glory. His incredible creation, so complex yet simple.

When Jesus traveled to Jerusalem on the back of a colt, his followers praised his name. They shouted their love for him and worshiped. The disciples placed a coat on the colt for Jesus to rest on and others laid their coats on the ground. Folks even cut palm leaves and placed them on the dusty road. All because they loved and respected Jesus.

Yet amid the rejoicing, a group of people taunted Jesus. The Pharisees, a religious bunch, ordered him to tell his followers to be quiet. I love Jesus response. He basically said, what good would it do, if the people are quiet, then the very creation my Father made will cry out with joy, even the rocks.

No matter what Satan tries to do to quiet those of us who love Jesus, rejoicing and worship will not stop. The world God designed, every mountain, tree, bird and flower continue to adore the Savior.

Go with joy and praise our incredible Lord!

You will go out in joy    and be led forth in peace;the mountains and hills    will burst into song before you,and all the trees of the field    will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12

Saturday, January 25, 2020

When the Day Begins

Psalm 143:8-10
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
    for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
    for to you I entrust my life.
Rescue me from my enemies, Lord,
    for I hide myself in you.
Teach me to do your will,
    for you are my God;
may your good Spirit
    lead me on level ground.

I don't wake up like I did when I was a kid.

I used to bound out of bed in the morning. Now arthritis reminds me, I best not jump at the crack of dawn. Even though my body wakes up with slow twists and turns, my heart leaps with joy. God has allowed me another day. He's gifted me with new experiences. The morning brings me his unfailing love, just as he did for King David.

In Psalm 143, David called on God in the morning to pour out his love. He prayed for help and guidance. He sought protection and direction. Shouldn't we do the same. Our first line of defense or offense requires prayer.

Here's what I learned from David as he sought out God's wisdom.

Ask God to:
  • Show me-as I trust in him
  • Protect me-as I hide in him
  • Teach me-as I do his will
  • Lead me-as I follow his Holy Spirit

I love the last part of verse ten. David asks the Lord to lead him to level ground, through the Spirit. On level ground we can plant our feet, with prayer, in the word of God. 

When the day begins, seek God first.