Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Lion of Judah

When I turned the calendar to December, I was pleased to see a lion on the page. Why? Because the king of the jungle reminded me of the King of my life. 
Jesus is called the Lion of Judah in the book of Revelation. 
Born into an every day family, in a stable with animals, and shepherds as his first visitors, Jesus grew from a tiny baby to a man who triumphed over death. 

As you celebrate the season of Christmas, spend time thinking and praying about the one who gave his life. The Lion of Judah knows us, understands us, and reaches toward us with a pure love that's beyond imagination.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Movies Parallel Truth

"But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.” Jesus in John 16:12-15

I love a good movie. So far this holiday season I've watched two; Frozen 2 and A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.

Frozen 2 is a fictional story about two sisters who want to save their kingdom. As Elsa seeks to solve the problem in the movie (no spoilers here) she's encouraged to listen for nature's voice in order to do the right thing.

Lloyd Vogel, a journalist, struggles in A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood with angst against his father. Mister Rogers, a children's show star and minister, shares love and encouragement with Lloyd. In his own fashion, Mister Rogers teaches Lloyd about listening for truth and making the right choice. If you know Mister Rogers' story at all, you know he was a kind man who loved people and encouraged children to recognize and understand their feelings. He also loved God, prayed and read the Bible.

As I watched both movies, I couldn't help but find parallels with some biblical truths. Living life as followers of Jesus, we strive to pay attention to the Spirit's lead and share Jesus' love and kindness with the world. We're called to hear, not nature's spirit but, the Holy Spirit. He carries our prayers to God, connects us to Jesus, and gives us encouragement and advice. By listening to the Spirit, we can make a prayerful, spiritually informed decision to do the right thing. By loving people in the kind, gentle way of Mr. Rogers, we show the world the love and grace of Jesus. Both movies reminded me of God's truth, to love Him and love people.
As you go along this holiday season and interact with others, seek the Spirit's guidance and pour God's love over the folks who cross your path.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8-9

Friday, November 29, 2019

Children's Christmas Book Review: A Very Fiona Christmas illustrated by Richard Cowdrey

Book Description:
It’s Fiona the hippo’s very first Christmas, and the zoo is sparkling with holiday spirit. When the adorable little hippo asks her friends, “What’s Christmas?” they set out to show her all the wonders and excitement of the season. With each new experience Fiona lets out a snort, wiggles her ears, and asks, “Is THIS Christmas?”

Amidst the snow, twinkling lights, mistletoe, and stockings, Fiona ends up meeting a new friend at the zoo who helps her discover the true meaning of the holiday: Love. Snuggle up with your little ones and join Fiona and her adorable animal friends for a heartwarming holiday romp through the zoo. 

My Review:
A Very Fiona Christmas is a delightful story of a baby hippo discovering Christmas for the first time. Living near Cincinnati, I am familiar with Fiona. She was born six weeks premature at the Cincinnati Zoo. She survived and thrived and has become a favorite of young and old. Richard Cowdrey's illustrations are fantastic. The color and movement of the beautiful characters will delight children. If you are looking for a gift for an animal lover, and what child isn't, pick up a copy of A Very Fiona Christmas. I won't spoil the ending, but I'll say it is perfect. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving brings joy to many hearts. A time for family, food and gratefulness. 
Every November, I see posts that declare appreciation for many things. 
Today, I'm thankful for all God provides. 
Jesus' grace, loving family, faithful friends. 

May everyone finds something to be thankful for. 

Many folks struggle this time of year. 
Take time to find those who need a helping hand and pour your blessings over them. 

Saturday, November 23, 2019

It's Okay to Rest

Matthew 11:29
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 

On our drive to South Carolina to visit Hannah, we admired the autumn leaves. Many had fallen yet the colors that remained held a soft hue. God's beautiful artistry surrounded us. Among the trees with foliage stood many bare limbed giants. Their arms reached for the cerulean blue sky. To me they appeared as lovely as the fall flora. The sun shined on them as they rested from their summer job of shade and growth. I felt a peace as I admired their beauty.

Jesus knew we'd wear ourselves out. He understood we'd push through and exhaust our bodies and spirits to the point we'd need rest. Our spiritual health is as important as our physical health. Jesus took breaks. He'd find a place to be alone and pray. The bare trees reminded me, I need to take time to stop and rest, stop and pray, and stop and give thanks. 
Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. Luke 5:15-16
The holidays bring busyness, stress and exhaustion. Make a mindful effort to rest and renew your spirit in Him.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Fall Findings Friday: Rejoice

In autumn, when the leaves have fallen, 
there are so many other things to see in the woods.
Even the fungi that grows on the logs is beautiful.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nonfiction Book Review: Losing My Voice to Find It: How a Rockstar Discovered His Greatest Purpose by Mark Stuart, Tim Tebow (Foreword), Roger W. Thompson (Contributor)

Book Description:
The incredible story of a lead singer's rise to fame and his crushing fall when he lost his singing voice, his career, and his marriage--and then found a new calling more in tune with God than he ever thought possible. 

Mark Stuart was the front man of popular Christian rock band, Audio Adrenaline, at a time when the Christian music scene exploded. Advancing from garage band to global success, the group sold out stadiums all over the world, won Grammy Awards, and even celebrated an album going certified Gold. But after almost twenty years, Mark's voice began to give out. When doctors diagnosed him with a debilitating disease, the career with the band he'd founded and dedicated his life to building was gone. Then to his shock, his wife ended their marriage, and Mark believed he'd lost everything.

Unsure of his future, Mark traveled to Haiti to help with the band's ministry, the Hands and Feet Project. When the devastating 2010 earthquake hit, media learned he was present and sought him out for interviews. Ironically, Mark became the scratchy voice for the struggling Haitians, drawing the world's attention to their dire circumstances. In the process, Mark found a greater purpose than he'd ever known before. In this gripping, compelling new book, Mark Stuart overlays his story with passages from the gospel of John, urging his readers to listen for God's voice and to embrace his big love that calls us into a big life.

My Review:
Mark Stuart's story is heart-wrenching and beautiful. If you listened to Audio Adrenaline or not, this book is worth the read. Mark is honest and open about the heartaches of his life and the way God worked. I love stories that show the truth and grace of God, and Mark's does. I enjoyed reading about the influence the band's music had on so many. As Mark ends the book and talks about his ministry in Haiti, I am once again reminded that God has purpose for us. This is an excellent book, written from the heart. I chose to review Mark's book because my daughters and I listened to their music, Kentucky Christian College/University is my alma mater and I grew up with band member, Bob Herdman. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.