Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Having an attitude of gratitude can change a dreary day into a day filled with joy. 
Let God, family, friends, acquaintances know you appreciate them.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

I Kind of Love my Dishwasher

1 Thessalonians 5:18
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

I propped the dirty plate in the dishwasher, and a weird thought came to me. Or maybe not so weird. "I have a machine that washes my dishes for me." At 62 years old, I'm kind of fascinated with this machine. I washed dishes by hand for many years. Honestly, that was my quiet time, because the rest of the family usually scattered as I filled the sink with suds.

As I type on the keys of my laptop, the sound of the dryer tumbling my clothes dry serves as my background noise. Of course the washer cleaned the clothes for me, first. If you are reading this, you're most likely on a computer or smart phone. I'm not trying to toot technologies' horn, but how much do we take for granted the ease of modern life? How often do we thank God for the things that enhance our lives, that give us time to pursue Bible study, hobbies, prayer, sports or time to help our neighbors or community?
How often do we take time to thank God for our circumstances? 
When I come across a scripture like 1 Thessalonians 5:18, I'm reminded to humble myself and thank God for the numerous blessings of life. Even when life's problems rear their ugly head, I pray God reminds me to be grateful and give thanks in all situations.
 “As with all commandments, gratitude is a description of a successful mode of living. The thankful heart opens our eyes to a multitude of blessings that continually surround us.” – James E. Faust
Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I challenge you to make a list, either on paper or mentally, of all you have to be thankful for. I think you'll find a reason to praise God.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Fall Findings Friday: Bittersweet

My mom gathered bittersweet every autumn. 
She'd arrange a beautiful bouquet of this colorful berry in 
a pitcher and bowl and place it on our dining room table

That's when I knew Thanksgiving was around the corner.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Fiction Review: Lake Season by Denise Hunter

Book Description:
A lost letter, a new love, and old secrets beckon this summer at the Bluebell Inn.

When their parents die in a tragic accident, Molly Bennett and her siblings pull together to fulfill their parents’ dream: turning their historic Bluebell, North Carolina home back into an inn. The situation would just be temporary—three years at the most—then they would sell the inn and Molly could get back to chasing her own dreams.

Adam Bradford (aka bestselling author Nathanial Grey) is a reclusive novelist with a bad case of writer’s block. Desperate for inspiration as his deadline approaches, he travels to the setting of his next book, a North Carolina lake town. There he immediately meets his muse, a young innkeeper who fancies herself in love with his alter ego.

Molly and Adam strike up an instant friendship. When Molly finds a long-lost letter in the walls of her inn she embarks on a mission with Adam to find the star-crossed lovers and bring them the closure they deserve. But Adam has secrets of his own. Past and present collide as truths are revealed, and Molly and Adam will have to decide if love is worth trusting.

My Review:
Lake Season is such a wonderful story. I enjoyed the camaraderie between the siblings as they attempt to fulfill their parents' dream of opening the inn. When their first customer stops in to book a room the scene is so funny. Molly's vulnerability is revealed and Adam's sweet side shines. I love how Molly fancies herself in love with a famous author and the joy she finds in reading his novels. But when Molly finds the old letter in the wall the story really takes off. As they work to solve an old mystery, a beautiful story unfolds. Denise Hunter has written another lovely story filled with delightful characters. If you are looking for a great read, check out Lake Season. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Thank You

Veterans Day is a day to honor those who have served in the armed forces. 
The folks who fought to give us freedom. 
I'm thankful for the sacrifices of the vets and their families. 
Recently, a little boy told me his dad is a veteran and his brother is in the service now. 
With heartfelt respect he honored his dad and brother. 

I lift up the families of those who serve and have served. Thank you!

My dad served in WW2. Love this photo my daughter, Maggie, snapped.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Gratitude Brings Joy!

Colossians 3:15-17
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Christmas decorations have hit the stores before November 1. Hallmark launched their holiday movies, October 25. Radio stations are already blasting Christmas cheer.

I admit, I'm watching the Christmas movies and listening to the music. I'm making gifts and have a running holiday list.

In the midst of this holiday flurry, my husband asked, "What happened to Thanksgiving?"

I've pondered Tim's question for a few days now. What did happen to Thanksgiving? Not just the holiday, but the earnest, sincere act of thankfulness. When I volunteer at school, it does my heart good when I hear a child say thank you. Let's model this simple act of appreciation for children so they might pass it on. 

The apostle Paul penned a letter to the people of Colossians. He urged them to give thanks to God in everything. How much better would the day be if we lived with a grateful heart? As we prepare for the holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas, let's stop and praise God. A grateful heart spills joy and hope onto others.
Let's thank God for his love and grace and revive the practice of saying thank you to the people around us.