Saturday, October 7, 2017

Do You Know the Joy?

1 Peter 1:6-7
In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 

Our three-year-old granddaughter bubbles over with joy. Born with a huge personality, she entertains and loves in a big way. She sings about Jesus and dances with delight. Her precious little smile causes me to melt, especially when her eyes twinkle and her sweet dimple shows. She loves life and shares that love with a joy-filled heart.

Our world is filled with tragedy and grief. On the days when evil rears his ugly head and causes pain and sorrow, I find it difficult to grasp the joy that's "down in my heart." Growing up we learned a fun little song, that Ella Cate is probably being taught in Sunday School. "I have the joy, joy, joy—down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart." That joy, delight, elation comes from trusting in Jesus. When I dedicated my life to follow Jesus, he poured his love and yes, joy in me. Even when I've suffered heartache, illness, distrust, or tragedy, Jesus' joy sustained me. No matter what happens on this earth. No matter how scary, heartrending  or catastrophic— because I love and follow Jesus—I still have a glimmer of hope.

So when I visit with my granddaughter and she bubbles over with joy, I'm reminded of the joy that bubbles in my heart! That hope fills me with peace. I pray for peace for all who are going through trials. I pray for the joy of Jesus to overflow.

Luke 18:16 Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children."

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Fiction Review: Hearts Unfolding (The Rockwell Chronicles, Book 1) by Kathleen E. Friesen

Book Description:
Kennedy Rockwell takes pride in working for her family’s Rockwell Concrete Works, but she plans to branch out into her own landscape design business. Strong and independent, she is determined to succeed. Romance can wait…until Austin Warner turns her emotions inside out.

Austin works hard to achieve his goals, and the one closest to his heart is something he’s never really had—a family of his own. Kennedy seems to be the answer to his prayers until a small complication brings huge consequences. 

Troubles from their pasts threaten to crush their dreams and push them apart. Can Kennedy and Austin learn to yield everything to the One who can grant them the desires of their hearts?

My Review:
I love to read stories with flawed characters, especially the ones who have depth and have gone through difficult times. Kathleen delivers that in Hearts Unfolding. The story touched my heart and kept me cheering for Kennedy and Austin. As Kennedy and Austin face problems and stand against their pasts, they are surrounded by people who care and point them to God. I love the spiritual thread that flows through the story. If you enjoy a heart-felt read, this is the book for you. Five stars. I purchased Hearts Unfolding on Amazon.

God Cares

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Letting Go of the Leaves

Psalm 55:22
Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.

1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

I was walking down the hall at work, a walkway with top to bottom windows, when I paused to peer out at the woods that surrounds our campus. Some of the trees already donned their autumn wardrobe. As I watched for a moment, a tree let go of a leaf and sent it tumbling to the ground. The deciduous trees sense winter is coming, so they begin their hibernation by letting go of the old leaves. Once the brilliance of fall ends, the leaves cover the ground and the tree hopes for a new season in the spring.  

That single leaf falling to the ground reminded me of the seasons in life. The ones where we need to let go of old things. Maybe a sin from the past that hangs on with hawk like talons. A sorrow so great, your heart breaks over and over. Words that sliced you like a knife. Or words you flung at someone else. The baggage we hold onto weighs us down. Like the trees, God wants us to let go and place our burdens and cares in his hands.

The trees were created by God to sense the time to let go. As believers, he gives us his word that tells us to cast our cares and anxieties on him and he'll take care of us. I know I need to trust God with my heartaches and my burdens. I know, like the trees do that there's a time to let my problems drop into his hands and let him take care of me. God loves us so much. The desire of his heart is for us to pour out our hearts to him. If you have a sin, a sorrow, a worry, a confession—tell Jesus. He listens and forgives. He helps us move on to the next season. Praise God, he loves us so much!