Saturday, September 30, 2017

Letting Go of the Leaves

Psalm 55:22
Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.

1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

I was walking down the hall at work, a walkway with top to bottom windows, when I paused to peer out at the woods that surrounds our campus. Some of the trees already donned their autumn wardrobe. As I watched for a moment, a tree let go of a leaf and sent it tumbling to the ground. The deciduous trees sense winter is coming, so they begin their hibernation by letting go of the old leaves. Once the brilliance of fall ends, the leaves cover the ground and the tree hopes for a new season in the spring.  

That single leaf falling to the ground reminded me of the seasons in life. The ones where we need to let go of old things. Maybe a sin from the past that hangs on with hawk like talons. A sorrow so great, your heart breaks over and over. Words that sliced you like a knife. Or words you flung at someone else. The baggage we hold onto weighs us down. Like the trees, God wants us to let go and place our burdens and cares in his hands.

The trees were created by God to sense the time to let go. As believers, he gives us his word that tells us to cast our cares and anxieties on him and he'll take care of us. I know I need to trust God with my heartaches and my burdens. I know, like the trees do that there's a time to let my problems drop into his hands and let him take care of me. God loves us so much. The desire of his heart is for us to pour out our hearts to him. If you have a sin, a sorrow, a worry, a confession—tell Jesus. He listens and forgives. He helps us move on to the next season. Praise God, he loves us so much!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Puffins, Fear, and Faith

Matthew 8:23-26
Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”
He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

Off the coast of Maine, Tim and I waited with several others for our puffin tour to begin. Once the tour boat launched we'd travel out about half an hour to see the little birds in their habitat. The captain announced the excursion would be delayed because of a mild storm. Rain drizzled down around the boat as clouds rolled over. Once the dreary weather passed, the captain pulled the boat out into the choppy ocean waters. Thirty minutes later we stood on the deck and spied the puffins. The boat rocked, the puffins bobbed, and I hung over the side with my hand wrapped around a pole to snap photos. Although I should have been afraid of falling in, I wasn't. For two reasons—Tim was watching out for me and my focus wasn't on fear. Instead the purpose for the tour held my attention.

Matthew tells another story about a storm and the fear that gripped the disciples when the waves crashed. Although my experience wasn't like theirs, nor was it like the folks who just went through hurricanes, I learned a lesson. Instead of letting fear grab my attention, I was able to focus on why I was on the boat. Through determination and anticipation, my fear took a back seat.

So many days troubles come, storms of life if you will. And what do I do? Too often I focus on the fear, the anxiety, the possibility of failure. What should I do? Pray and trust Jesus to see me through. Also, I need to keep my eyes on my purpose and remember God has a plan for my life. The storms I go through are not just storms, they're lessons and opportunities. Our storms give us the chance to show others our faith in Jesus. Let's praise him through the storms!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Treasures of the Heart

Proverbs 24:3-4
By wisdom a house is built,
    and through understanding it is established;
through knowledge its rooms are filled
    with rare and beautiful treasures.

Tim and I hiked through one of Kelleys Island's nature preserves. We trekked along a grass and dirt path until we reached a boardwalk, made of recycled plastic, that rambled through the woods and over the wetland. On the other side, the trees opened up onto a lovely little beach. White sand, created from waves breaking up tiny white shells, sparkled in the sun. As we wandered along the water's edge, we searched for treasures. Not gold or silver, but pretty rocks, pebbles, and lake glass. Lake Erie did not disappoint. We found pink, red, and interesting green rocks along with white, green (two shades) and brown lake glass. As we wandered along, some children playing nearby showed us their finds, including a live turtle they were watching. What a fun trip!

Once we got back home, I cleaned the rocks and glass and added them to my growing collection. I love my treasures. They are memories of my life. Our home is filled with things that remind us of the people we love and the God we worship. So much of what we own reflects the gifts God has created and given. 

Proverbs 24 reminds me my home should be built with wisdom, established on understanding, and that treasures come from knowledge. I believe the wisdom refers to the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit. For my house to truly be a home, God must come first. Understanding reflects our relationship with Jesus and the personal interest he has in us. Knowledge represents God's word of truth, the Bible, which is chocked full of rare and beautiful treasures. Without these elements, my home would be empty. I want Jesus' love, joy and peace to fill our house. I love my rocks and lake glass, but I treasure the heart of our home so much more, which is Jesus.

The treasures that fill the home should also fill the heart.