Sunday, July 17, 2016

Happy Hollyhocks

Does anyone else remember playing dolls with hollyhock blossoms? My Aunt Rosetta grew them in her yard. When I saw all the hollyhocks blooming in Marblehead last week, sweet memories drifted through my mind. Hollyhocks equal a happy heart.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Sandy Beach or Rocky Shore?

Matthew 7:24-27
Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine [Jesus] and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.

In the course of a day we walked on a sandy beach and stood upon a rocky shore. In the afternoon as my foot touched the warm sand on one of Lake Erie's beaches, the tiny grains shifted beneath my feet. I had to make an effort to keep my balance. I scooped a handful of sand and let it sift through my fingers. Each bit sprinkled to the shore and was washed away by the tide. Beautiful but not a solid foundation.

Later in the evening, Tim and searched for the perfect spot to enjoy the sunset. We found huge rocks along the shore of the lake. As we climbed out to secure a place, the boulder I stood on felt solid under my feet. Waves crashed against the rocks, but we stayed put, in place, safe from the stormy water. From our safe spot we viewed orange, pinks and blues as the sun dipped down.

As Jesus told the story of where to build a house— on sand or on rock, he wanted his listeners to understand they needed a solid foundation for their faith. He was asking, "Will your faith shift like sand and be pulled out from under you? Or will your faith have a well-built foundation, strong, durable in times of trouble, secure?" Jesus cares about our faith. His desire is that we have a faith as solid as a rock that can't be moved. He wants us to be certain that our faith will stand up against the difficulties of life and give us confidence to serve him. I'm thankful that when I accepted Jesus as my Savior, God instilled the Holy Spirit in me so I would have a solid foundation, a reminder of my faith, a guide in life. I've built my faith on the solid rock of Jesus. I love him and he loves me. Praise God for Jesus Christ!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Fiction Book Review: Remembering Dresden by Dan Walsh

Book Description:
Young history professor, Jack Turner, takes a retreat at a lakeside cabin just outside of Culpepper, Georgia to work on his doctoral dissertation. The cabin is owned by an ambitious state senator, an inheritance from his father. Inside, everything is exactly the way it was when the old man died ten years ago. While taking a break from his research, Jack snoops through the father’s books and finds an old photo album filled with black-and-white pictures of orphaned children. Intrigued, he continues searching and finds what appears to be evidence of murder and an old leather journal, handwritten entirely in German. Rachel Cook, Jack’s girlfriend, translates the journal for him. What it reveals instantly puts both of their lives in mortal danger. 

My Review:
From page one, I didn't want to put Remembering Dresden down. Dan has a way of intertwining history with contemporary unlike any author I've read. And in this story he brings a moment from WW 2 to life that I'd never heard of. His main character, Jack Turner, is likable from the start. He's smart and has a beautiful, smart girlfriend. He's also inquisitive and curious, that's what gets them into trouble. The suspense in this book grabs hold at the beginning and doesn't let go until the end. Even though I thought I had things figured out, something else lurked around the corner. If you like history, suspense, and character driven stories you'll like Remembering Dresden. This is book number two of the Jack Turner Suspense Series, but can be read as a standalone. However, I recommend book one of the Jack Turner series, When Night Comes, as well. Dan has also written several inspirational books. I received this book in exchange for a fair review.

5 stars

Friday, July 8, 2016

The Rock

Psalm 9:9-10
The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed,
    a refuge in times of trouble.
 Those who know your name trust in you,
    for you, O Lord, do not abandon those who search for you.

As I got out of the car, I noticed the dark clouds looming. I'd heard on the radio that a thunderstorm was heading my way. Just after I ducked into a store to shop for bargains, the rain burst from the clouds while lightning and thunder ripped the sky. I was content to be in the shelter of the store as the downpour let loose.

As we live on this old earth, we face a lot of storms. Personal, spiritual, global. So many negative occurrences happen every day. Bad news, sad events, troubling times. Sometimes I want to crawl in bed and cover my head. But I can't. I have to live in the world. But, instead of hiding in my bed, I find shelter in my God. He's the true refuge, the secure harbor, the safe place to rest my heart. God is the safe haven in the midst of distress. Praise God for always being the rock in the storm.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

God's Creation: Beautiful Blue Birds

Wednesday seems like a good day to share a beautiful print from decades past.
Common Blue Bird by John James Audubon is so full of joy.

General Research Division, The New York Public Library. "Common Blue Bird. 1. Male. 2. Female. 3. Young. (Great Mullein. Verbascum Thapsus.)"The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1840 - 1844.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Fiction Book Review: A Haven on Orchard Lane by Lawana Blackwell

About the Book:
Fiction Book Review: A Haven on Orchard Lane by Lawana Blackwell
About the Book:
An urgent escape . . . a wounded heart . . .
Will Charlotte find the solace she longs for at the cottage on Orchard Lane?

Famed actress Charlotte Ward stepped away from the Victorian London stage five years ago. Now in desperate circumstances, she tries to restart her career--only to experience a complete collapse. Against her better judgment, Charlotte's estranged daughter, Rosalind, comes to her mother's rescue and moves her to a quiet English coastal village where her mother can evade the gossip columnists, at least for a time.

Charlotte is grateful to re-establish even tenuous family ties with Rosalind. As one with regrets over her own romantic past, she's happy to see love blossom for her daughter. For Rosalind, however, it's time away from teaching, and now she must care for the mother who wasn't there for her. And what could possibly be more complicated than romance?

But there can be no permanent escape from the threats of recent months. As the privacy they seek is threatened, mother and daughter must make some difficult decisions--ones that jeopardize those they care about most.

My Review:
A Haven on Orchard Lane is a pleasant read. I enjoyed going back in time to the sweet cottage on Orchard Lane, to a time of service, protocol, and decorum. As I read I felt like I was walking back in time to a slower paced era where people helped their neighbors and watched out for each other. There is a story within the story that touched my heart and made me want to continue reading. This is a relaxing summer read with interesting characters and story. Pick up a copy to read on the beach, by the pool, or on the front porch. I received this book in exchange for a fair review.