Saturday, July 2, 2016

Gifts from the Master

2 Chronicles 2:13-14
“I am sending you a master craftsman named Huram-abi, who is extremely talented.  His mother is from the tribe of Dan in Israel, and his father is from Tyre. He is skillful at making things from gold, silver, bronze, and iron, and he also works with stone and wood. He can work with purple, blue, and scarlet cloth and fine linen. He is also an engraver and can follow any design given to him. He will work with your craftsmen and those appointed by my lord David, your father."

Throughout my life I've tried my hand at several different crafts. I've enjoyed most of them but none as much as embroidery. It broke my heart when arthritis started dominating my hands. Mostly the base of my thumbs. So I gave it up for awhile. In the interim I had a co-worker ask me about the how-tos. She wanted to learn a few stitches. I loaned her my books and gave her a few pointers. She did a great job, but as I looked at her work and that of others, I realized how much I missed running the floss through fabric to create beauty.

Long story short, I went to a hand doctor and got a cortisone shot that allows temporary relief so I can hand sew, again. When I showed my coworker the embroidery I'd been working on she gave me the best compliment. She called me a master of the craft. The truth is, the Master of life gave me the ability to stitch beauty out of thread and fabric. When we're born, God instills in us the talents we use throughout life. I'm thankful I've had the opportunity to develop my craft or master it, so to speak.

God has given each person gifts and abilities to use to serve others and Him. I appreciate the talents God has given me, in hand crafts and other areas of my life. I encourage you to take some time and discover your strengths. Explore your gifts and develop your passion. God created you as a unique soul with a purpose. Praise God for giving everyone different abilities and skills.

Fiction Book Review: The Ringmaster's Wife by Kristy Cambron

About the book: 
An ounce of courage. A split-second leap of faith. Together, they propel two young women to chase a new life---one that's reimagined from what they might have become.

In turn-of-the-century America, a young girl dreams of a world that stretches beyond the confines of a quiet life on the family farm. With little more than her wit and a cigar box of treasures to call her own, Mable steps away from all she knows, seeking the limitless marvels of the Chicago World's Fair. There, a chance encounter triggers her destiny---a life with a famed showman by the name of John Ringling.

A quarter of a century later, Lady Rosamund Easling of Yorkshire, England, boards a ship to America as a last adventure before her life is planned out for her. There, the twenties are roaring, and the rich and famous gather at opulent, Gatsby-esque parties in the grandest ballrooms the country has to offer. The Jazz Age has arrived, and with it, the golden era of the American circus, whose queen is none other than the enigmatic Mable Ringling.

When Rosamund's path crosses with Mable's and the Ringlings' glittering world, she makes the life-altering decision to leave behind a comfortable future of estates and propriety, instead choosing the nomadic life of a trick rider in the Ringling Brothers' circus.

A novel that is at once captivating, deeply poignant, and swirling with exquisite historical details of a bygone world, The Ringmaster's Wife will escort readers into the center ring, with its bright lights, exotic animals, and a dazzling performance that can only be described as the greatest show on earth!

My Review:
A few months ago my daughter and her two children invited me to tag along to the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. I hadn't been to the circus in years. As we sat in the stands, I thought about how much practice and discipline the performers must have. When Kristy Cambron's latest novel, The Ringmaster's Wife, became available for review I was delighted to give it a read. Kristy does a beautiful job weaving history with fiction. I enjoyed the wide variety of characters and learning about life in the circus in the nineteen-twenties. The Ringling's home of  Ca d' Zan in Sarasota, Florida plays a backdrop for part of the story. What fun to read about Mabel's home and her generous heart. Without giving away anything, I want to say that I loved Rosamund's story. I am a fan of Downton Abbey. Following Rosamund's path reminded me of some of Downton's story lines in the last season, that of adventure and a new freedom for women. Kristy Cambron did an amazing job with research. I could tell she'd submerged herself into the era by the description and overall feel of the book.  If you enjoy historical fiction, the circus, or just a good story, give The Ringmaster's Wife a read. It's a book to be savored and enjoyed. I received this book in exchange for a fair review.

Purchase a copy:

About the author:
Kristy Cambron fancies life as a vintage-inspired storyteller. Her second novel, A Sparrow in Terezin, was named Library Journal Reviews' "Pick of the Month (Christian Fiction)" for February 2015.

Cambron is an art/design manager at storytelling ministry. She holds a degree in art history from Indiana University and has nearly 15 years of experience in instructional design and communications for a Fortune-100 company. She lives in Indiana with her husband and three football-loving sons, where she can probably be bribed with a coconut mocha latte and a good Christian fiction read.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Putting on the New

Once a month I post on the blog, Putting on the New. The blog was created to minister to women in various stages of life and faith. I love sharing with the ladies there.

Here is my latest share: 
Why Do We Do What We Do?

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Devotional Book Review: Dwelling Places: Words to Live in Every Season by Lucinda Secrest McDowell

About the book: 
Do you long for serenity and refuge, peace and hope? Are you seeking a deeper spiritual life through a closer relationship with God?

If you're tired of dwelling in busyness and noise, then perhaps one word a day can change your life. Award-winning author Lucinda Secrest McDowell knows that if you spend time each day turning to God's Word for wisdom and guidance, your faith can flourish and grow.

Through short and inspiring readings, McDowell unpacks a single word---such as mercy, beauty, gratitude, or grace---to reveal a biblical blessing or challenge relevant to where you are. Full of stories and illustrations to empower you to live the word you have just read, each devotional ends with a benediction, written as if God were speaking directly to you.

These "dwelling places" that offer the joy of God's promise and presence cover four seasons: fall, Advent, Lent, and summer. Whether in the midst of busy holiday schedules, holy days, ordinary moments, or changing seasons, a deeper faith can be as simple as a single word.

My Review:
I write devotions myself, so I'm kind of picky about the ones I read. When I opened Dwelling Places, I knew I'd found a devotional book I'd love. Each day, I've thoroughly enjoyed my time with Lucinda's beautifully written thoughts.In her simple approach, you'll find devotions filled with the wisdom of God. I've been reading the summer section and particularly connected with #10 "the sea." Because I love water and the power of God, her words resonated with me. If you're looking for a good devotion book with short excerpts and exceptional insight, I highly recommend Dwelling Places. Along with reading the daily words, I write in my prayer journal for a good start to my day.
I received this book in exchange for a fair review.

Purchase a copy

About the author:
Lucinda Secrest McDowell is the author of 11 books, including Live These Words, Amazed by Grace, and Quilts from Heaven. She has contributed to an additional 25 books and has been published in more than 50 magazines. A graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Furman University, she speaks internationally through her ministry Encouraging Words. An award-winning writer who has earned accolades from prominent writers' conferences and retreats, McDowell has also worked in radio broadcasting, in retreat planning, and on church pastoral staffs. She writes from "Sunnyside" cottage in Connecticut.

Drown out the busyness and noise of everyday life and find a deeper faith with something as simple as a single word in Lucinda Secrest McDowell's new book, Dwelling Places. Through short and inspiring readings, McDowell unpacks a single word—such as mercy, beauty, gratitude, or grace—to reveal a biblical blessing or challenge relevant to where you are. Full of stories and illustrations to empower you to live the word you have just read, each devotional ends with a benediction, written as if God were speaking directly to you.

Join Lucinda in celebrating the release of Dwelling Places by entering to win her Season of Refreshment giveaway.

dwelling places - 400 

One grand prize winner will receive:
  • A copy of Dwelling Places
  • Dwelling Places necklace handmade by Lucinda
  • A kit full of goodies you'll need to make refreshing lemonade this summer
One second place winner will receive:
  • A copy of Dwelling Places
  • Dwelling Places necklace handmade by Lucinda
dwelling places - collage 

Enter today by clicking the icon, but hurry! The giveaway ends on July 5th. The winner will be announced July 6th on Lucinda's blog.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

When Life Loops

Psalm 25: 4-5
Show me the right path, O
    point out the road for me to follow.
Lead me by your truth and teach me,

    for you are the God who saves me.
    All day long I put my hope in you.

We left the parking lot to drive home. Tim and I enjoy going to Louisville once in a while to watch the Bats, a minor league affiliate of the Reds, play baseball. The game ended in time to get us home by 11pm. Great! Tim navigated to the exit for 71N. We looped around only to find the exit closed. Now what? Our only option was to drive over the bridge in to Indiana. We stopped at a gas station and Tim asked a fellow if he knew of a way for us to get back on 71N. He gave directions. Guess what? They led us right back into Indiana. Long story short, Tim found a different route to get us home, later than intended but home safe and sound.

Sometimes life feels like a loop. We take the same path over and over and get nowhere. Even to the point the rut grows deeper, and we forget the purpose of our steps. Maybe Satan tricks us into thinking we're on the right path. He says, "Take that road it will lead you to a new place," but it's the same old loop. God has so much more in mind for his followers. He doesn't want us in a rut. He wants us to step out, move forward, pray for direction. God didn't create us to be sedentary when it comes to serving him. He has a path for each of us, all we need to do is seek it. Ask God in the morning, "What's up for today?" Then listen and follow. The Holy Spirit's nudges are real. Listen to him.

God, I praise you for the path you lead me on, continue to guide my feet.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

God's Ditch Garden

Music sings~

God's ditch garden stages shows

Chicory's sax runs up and down.
Jazzed scales fill the air
with melodies.

Orange tiger lily trumpets
sharps and flats.

Queen Anne
takes center stage
to bang out~
the piano's notes.

Nodding her head
tapping toes.

An audience?

Orange and black
flutter between green leaves.

Butterfly wings and stems sway.

Tiny finch
golden like day~
black as night
twitters in tune.

Remembering yesterday's
concert in the ditch.

Looking forward to

Penny Frost McGinnis~2006

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Fiction Book Review: Sea Rose Lane: A Hope Harbor Novel by Irene Hannon

After a devastating layoff, attorney Eric Nash heads back to the town where he grew up--only to discover that his childhood home is being transformed into a bed & breakfast. Instead of plotting his next career move in peace, he's constantly distracted by noise, chaos--and BJ Stevens, the attractive but prickly blonde architect and construction chief who's invaded the house with her motley crew.

As for BJ, her client's son might be handsome, but after a disastrous romance, dating isn't high on her agenda. Yet when they join forces to create a program for Hope Harbor seniors, might they also find healing, hope, and a new beginning themselves?

Three-time RITA Award winner Irene Hannon takes readers back to Hope Harbor for a new season of charm, romance, and second chances.

I've found a new favorite series by a great author. Although I've read some of Irene Hannon's suspense novels, this is the first contemporary fiction I've read of hers. I enjoyed BJ and Eric's stories so much. Not only did Irene create well-developed main characters, she put them in a beautiful setting surrounded by a fantastic supporting cast. Several stories are woven within the context of the beautiful tale where the characters seek hope, peace, and love. If you enjoy Debbie Macomber give Sea Rose Lane a read. I enjoyed it so much I purchased a copy of Hope Harbor, book 1 in the series. Sea Rose Lane can be read as a standalone, as well as part of the series. This is a perfect summer read. Grab it on your way to the pool.

I received this book from Revell in exchange for a fair review.