Friday, March 13, 2015

Spring has Sprung

My daughter sends me a picture of the first crocus she finds, every spring.
 I look forward to it each year. Spring has sprung!
Maggie Wickline

Thursday, March 12, 2015

A Good Day

Sixty-one degrees drew me outside. I walked a path through the woods that later wound around sidewalks in our community. The sun shined from a blue sky. Birds called to one another that spring weather had arrived. Children played, rode bikes, and skateboards. As I ambled along, a book by one of my favorite authors came to mind.
A Good Day by Kevin Henkes follows the trail of things lost and found. His vibrant illustrations embody a happy feeling, much like the sunny day gave me. This is a perfect book to read to a baby or toddler. The story is sweet and filled with hope for a good day.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Spring Beauty

Penny Frost McGinnis
I delight in discovering beauty. Since we moved into our new home in August I had no idea what plants might pop up in the landscape. We've lived several places and each spring I'd find lovely green sprouts pushing through the soil. This place is no exception. Yesterday, once all the snow melted away, the beginnings of grape hyacinths poked their little heads up. I am excited to see the full grown flower. Hopefully they'll stretch into themselves by Easter. 

What spring flowers do you have?

Monday, March 9, 2015

Tea for Two by Trish Perry

I’d love to have a tea shop like Millie’s to visit in my town. Mille’s Tea Shop is the place where friends meet, problems get solved and scones are eaten. Perry’s delightful follow up to The Perfect Blend put a smile on my face and warmth in my heart. I enjoyed rooting for the main characters, Zach and Tina. Tea for Two is a sweet faith-filled story, but not without conflict and resolution. I loved the setting and the interesting array of characters. Perry’s humor made me laugh while I reflected on what it means to trust God.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Friday, March 6, 2015

Even the Moon Praises Him

Psalm 148:3-6
Praise him, sun and moon;
    praise him, all you shining stars.
Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skie
 Let them praise the name of the Lord,
    for at his command they were created,
and he established them forever and ever—
    he issued a decree that will never pass away.

A heavy blanket of snow covered the fields as we drove along the country road. The sky graduated to an inky black and the moon, as round as a bright golden ball, cast its light. No matter where we traveled, it seemed the moon followed us. The brightness made us look to the heavens and admire the work of God. He created the round orb to reflect light on the earth at night. One more way He cared for us.

The Psalm says God created all the heavenly bodies. The sun, moon, and stars each praise Him. If these objects can light the world and show God glory, what keeps us from praising Him daily. God made so much for us to enjoy. When I saw the low hanging moon I stood in awe. And the sun and the stars…they’re just as fascinating. As winter gives way to spring (it will come, I promise) look at God’s creation and rejoice with him. Praise the Lord for the beauty he gives each day.