2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting
away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our
light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far
outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is
unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Sometimes we need to think like a relief pitcher.
We watch a lot of baseball at our house. Tim works as an
usher for the Cincinnati Reds. Two of our grandsons play (and a granddaughter
plays softball,) and when the Reds are away, we watch their games on
television. We root for the starting pitcher to get the game going, then for
the relief pitchers who, we hope, finish the game well. In baseball, the relief
pitcher enters the game after the starting pitcher has a high pitch
count, or has become ineffective. Games often employ more than one reliever. Those
guys do their best, but in the games where they just can't get the other team
out, they are relieved by another reliever. Here's the thing, the relief
pitcher can't let themselves get stuck if their performance fails to meet the
needs of the team. Instead, they have to shake it off and keep their bad day
from spilling into the next game.
Think like a relief pitcher. Each day gives me a new
opportunity to start again. Just because the previous day stunk, doesn't mean today
has to follow suit. We all have those times we'd just as soon forget or at the
least, push behind us. I thank God He's the God of second chances. He urges me to
repent from sin and start again. He renews my spirit every day. He encourages
me to not lose heart.
I can imagine how a relief pitcher feels when they fail to
live up to their potential. I've been there. I get discouraged when I fail. But
each day is a brand-new opportunity to renew my faith and seek my Father in
heaven. Earthly troubles are just that—earthly. God gives us hope through Jesus
and help through the Holy Spirit.
Start fresh each day with Jesus.