Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Pray for Them All
Saturday, August 19, 2023
Are You a Lifelong Learner?
Matthew 11:29
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for
I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
It's that time of year again.
On Wednesday, the first day of the 2023-24 school
year, I spent the day in Sara's first grade class. Those bright little students
took in a lot of information. They got refreshers on how to go through the
lunch line, play at recess, organize their desks, and they got to pick out
books from the Grammy Penny crates. Sara had them do a drawing activity, that
they'll write about this week, and a fun marshmallow story that showed them how
to be quiet and respectful in the hallway. All-in-all they had a wonderful
first day.
Whether public school, homeschool, private
school, college, trade school, or any other learning, being a student takes
work and being the teacher takes preparation. Hopefully, when the two meet, a
great learning experience happens.
I've worked in the public library, school library,
and college library. My mom always said I never stopped going to school. In a
way, she was right. I'm a lifelong learner, always seeking to gain knowledge
and wisdom about something. Maybe something as simple as what kind of butterfly
or flower I saw.
The most important learning I have ever
experienced is what I've learned from the Bible. God's word teaches so many
lessons, insights, and ways to live. There is no education more important.
Jesus wants me to listen and apply what I've heard and read. I'm so thankful
God prepared a book I could read and study that teaches life lessons, offers
encouragement, shares so many types of literature, tells remarkable stories,
and leaves me wanting more. Some say the Bible is boring, but I disagree. It's
I choose to read a few verses a day and ponder
and pray over it and discover what God wants me to hear and learn. That way I'm
not overwhelmed, and I remember it better. How do you approach reading the
Be a lifelong learner of God's word.
Saturday, September 10, 2022
Knowledge and Wisdom
Philippians 1:9-11
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in
knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best
and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit
of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise
of God.
I’m a life-long learner.
I confess, I didn’t like school. Elementary school was okay,
but by the time I reached junior high and high school, I wasn’t a fan. Not
being a social butterfly, I was quiet and everything kind of overwhelmed me. I
did like having friends and going to basketball games, but I preferred to stay
home and read or wander outside.
The funny thing is, I loved learning and I still do. After
high school, I attended college for two years, but it took me until I was
forty-eight years old to complete my bachelor’s degree. In the meantime,
ironically, I worked in education. In the library of the elementary school and
in a college library, I encouraged students to read and learn.
Even though I wasn’t a fan of school, I loved gathering
knowledge and wisdom, and I do believe school is extremely important. As I tell
my grandchildren, whether you enjoy school or not, you need to do your best.
The apostle Paul is writing to the Philippian church and
reminding them to keep learning. He prayed they would grow in knowledge and
insight. Knowledge of God’s word and insight into the people God called them to
love. He encouraged the people to discern or consider what was best when it
came to loving people as Jesus loved them, and he reminded them they would grow
in the fruit or righteousness, or the fruit of the Spirit.
God wants me to keep learning and use what I learn to love
people better. As I seek the truth in His word, I grow in His love for other
people. As a result, I glorify my heavenly Father through my actions.
Are you learning more about Jesus every day?
Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is
love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness
and self-control.
Saturday, August 13, 2022
The Smell of Crayons
Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
Pray for students, teachers, and staff.
The back-to-school sales are on, the smell of crayons and sharpened pencils fill the air. Teachers are prepping their classrooms and children are counting the days until they see their friends again.
We have several educators in our family, and they're
setting up their rooms, attending trainings and meetings, and working to make
the start of school successful. I’m thankful for the people who teach, whether
in public school, private school, or homeschool and the folks who work in
support roles. Many of the people who instruct our children in academics also work
to instill confidence and positive behavior. The kiddos are blessed to have people
in school who care about them and want to fill their buckets with kindness and
Jesus, the best teacher—taught by example. Through
parables and sermons He shared scripture and taught us to pray. Talk about hearing
from the best. There is no better place to learn than at the feet of Jesus. I love
to hear or read every parable, word of wisdom, and proverb Jesus shared. I'm
thankful the writers of the Bible penned God's words, and I’m excited I have
the very words of Jesus (red letters in many Bibles) to read and tuck into my
God wants his people to keep discovering Him. Every
day brings a new experience, a new perspective, a new way to learn and share
Jesus’ story as He fills our buckets with blessings.
If you have a minute, pray for all the parents and caregivers sending their children to classrooms, as well as teachers, staff, administrators, and
students heading back to school. Pray for wisdom, confidence, kindness, and
safety. Encourage your children to embrace learning and to respect their
teachers and fellow students. I remember a few teachers who believed in me, and I’ll always be
Saturday, August 10, 2019
and let the discerning get guidance—
for understanding proverbs and parables,
the sayings and riddles of the wise.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

What have you learned today?
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Great is Your Reward
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Are You Ready for School?
Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God;
may your good Spirit
lead me on level ground.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
In a world where you can be anything, be kind.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Children's Book Review: School Time Blessings by Mike Berenstain
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Back to School
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.