Showing posts with label rot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rot. Show all posts

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Inside Out

Proverbs 14:30
A heart at peace gives life to the body,
     but envy rots the bones.

As I walked along the vegetable aisle at the local grocery store, I searched for a red pepper. The one I found shone with a healthy red color and felt firm to the touch. I held it up, and the skin appeared perfect, not one blemish, and the stem still held its green color. 

I’d found the perfect red pepper. After I arrived home, I set out the vegetables I wanted in my salad. I chopped the broccoli into small sections, cut up some carrots and celery, and sliced a few olives in half. Then I prepared to cut into that beautiful pepper.

The knife slid through the skin and pulp and the pepper fell open. I couldn’t believe what I saw. Rot. The entire inside of the perfect red pepper was covered in mold. I’m sure you’ve guessed—I threw it in the garbage. I couldn’t eat a rotten red pepper. Disappointment filled me. I had looked forward to the flavor it would add to my salad.

The pepper reminded me of social media. We tend to put our best foot forward, share pictures of what appears to be a somewhat perfect life, yet in reality, no one has a perfect life. There’s not a thing wrong with sharing the positive and uplifting days. It’s encouraging, but I have to remember that everyone else goes through trials and difficulties. I guard against the envy I might feel for what others have or do by inviting God’s peace and contentment into my heart.

Instead of projecting a perfect appearance, I try to be myself. Whether on social media or in person, if you meet me, you’ll likely see warts and all. I don’t want to be the person who looks perfect on the outside but is rotting inside. I’d rather be my imperfect self and have the love of Jesus in my heart and the Holy Spirit in my soul so I might have a peace filled life.

Have a heart at peace by loving Jesus.