Showing posts with label psalm 28. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psalm 28. Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Splashed with Joy

Psalm 28:6-7
Praise be to the Lord,
    for he has heard my cry for mercy.
The Lord is my strength and my shield;
    my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.
My heart leaps for joy,
    and with my song I praise him.

I have the joy, joy, joy...down in my heart.

I remember singing that chorus at church camp, my favorite place in the summers of my youth. Surrounded by friends who believed in Jesus, exploring nature, meeting together at the campfire to sing and pray, filled our souls with joy. Not happiness—but pure joy, the deep satisfying feeling that everything is going to be okay. And it bubbled over. The joy I discovered overflowed and tumbled onto other people. And their joy splashed all over me. When I came home, the delight I tucked into my heart carried me through my days. No matter what happened at school, or wherever I was, Jesus' joy bubbled. 

As an adult, I'm more conscientious of the joy I find in Jesus. Sometimes rejoicing is a struggle. On those days, I tap into his word and cry out in prayer to reassure myself everything will be okay. It's hard to experience joy when the world is so out of whack. But Jesus always comes through. As I trust in him for wisdom and mercy, he splashes me with joy. I love Jesus and he loves me back. I sing that same little chorus today that I sang at camp. I have Jesus' joy down in my heart, and I praise him because that joy carries me through the hard stuff, the frustrating things, the opinions, the anger, and the unkindness we are seeing in the world.

Even on days when my joy is more like a grain of sand that a solid rock, I'm thankful I have a glimmer of hope.

Let the joy of Jesus overflow like a fountain of love.

Friday, September 7, 2018

God Doesn't Change

Psalm 28:7-8
The Lord is my strength and my shield;
    my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.
My heart leaps for joy,
    and with my song I praise him.
The Lord is the strength of his people,
    a fortress of salvation for his anointed one (Jesus).

I love the words that David wrote in this psalm. He’d been through so many trials,
temptations and tribulations, yet he looked to God. He’d tried doing things his own way and failed. But he knew where to turn. He fell before the Lord with praise because his strength came from Him. He trusted completely and understood that God shielded him from danger.
God hasn’t changed. He remains the strength of his people.
Gathering with folks each week for worship reminds me that God is my fortress of salvation.  We sing, pray, listen to the wisdom of the Bible, share in communion and dwell in His presence. There are times that my soul is so stirred that my heart leaps for joy, just like the psalm says. What a glorious reminder of His love.
Continue to seek God's joy and peace in this broken world.