On Saturday morning I attended a Princess tea party with my
daughter and granddaughter. When each guest arrived, two princes graciously
opened the door and gave a royal bow.
Inside the hostesses had created a little
princess's dream.

To top off the morning, Ariel and Cinderella sang songs and
told stories to the excited little girls.
I enjoyed seeing delight in the little princesses as they enjoyed games, crafts, and fun.
This lovely event was put on by Empower Youth.
You may believe a princess is only found in fairy tales. That
they live in castles and ride in fancy carriages.
But I want all little girls to know they have a future as a princess.
Each one can become part of a royal family—God's royal family.
Each young lady has the opportunity to be a daughter of the
King. The most spectacular of all Kings. As a daughter of the King, each
girl, young lady, and woman can honor her
Father by showing compassion and love
to everyone.
You see, the true qualities of a princess are not outward
beauty or perfect manners and speech.
The true qualities of a real princess are found in Galatians
love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness
and self-control.
A princess who wears such lovely traits is a princess