From Fremont we sped up to Port Clinton to check out the lighthouse that's been replanted back to its original home. The lighthouse, still in stages of reconstruction, stood on a small beach where undisturbed shells decorated the sand. A quiet walk along the water accompanied by ducks and geese lent itself to a peaceful respite.
While in the vicinity, we stopped by The Tin Goose for a bite to eat and then visited Kelleys Island, always a favorite. The relaxed atmosphere was the perfect way to spend a day. We hiked through The Scheele Preserve to a lovely beach. Then we pressed on to loop around the island and view some of the historical homes.

On our trip home we wandered into the delightful little town of Gibsonburg. That is after we found a way to detour around the Labor Day Parade in Fremont (which took me straight back to the streets of my hometown, when the locals tossed candy from the firetrucks and the marching band played the school song.)
Nostalgia is a precious thing filled with the memories of emotion. The town of Gibsonburg drew me back to the 1960s and 70s, with a touch of modern. But more about that later...