Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts

Saturday, August 24, 2024

When Fear Overwhelms

Luke 8:22-24
One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake.” So, they got into a boat and set out. As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.

The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!”

He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples.

Lake Erie tossed and turned.

The waves rose and crashed after tornados had attacked the northeastern shores. Tim and I happened to spend a few days at the lake, in Marblehead, after some tough storms went through the area. We watched the water rise and wash the shore like hands reaching to grasp whatever the waves could steal.

The next day, a sailboat ventured onto calmer, yet choppy waters. The boat bobbed up and down and I thought, if I were on it, I might be seasick.

The Sea of Galilee tossed a boat around when Jesus and some of his disciples sailed. Jesus fell asleep and the storm frightened the men. When Jesus woke and settled the waters, he asked, “Where is your faith?”

I may not sail in a boat, but it seems like storms attack our shores too often. A spiritual battle rages around us as good and evil fight for dominance. When fear overwhelms, Jesus asks, “Where is your faith?”

It’s then I understand, this life was not meant to be lived alone. Yes, I’m surrounded by friends and family, but I need more. I need Jesus. I don’t want him to wonder where my faith is. I want him to know my faith remains in him, every day.

When life rocks the boat, and even when it doesn’t cling to Jesus. Have faith in the one who makes a difference.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Books for Kids

I’m reviewing books for Zonderkidz this week.

I picked Faithful Friends: Favorite Stories of People in the Bible because of the delightful handmade dolls used in the illustrations. Marcy & Michael Kelleher created this beautiful book that tells the stories of forty-two heroes and heroines of the Bible. Each person has a page written by Michael with Bible references and an illustration created from fiber arts by Marcy. This would be a wonderful read for children ages eight through twelve. I enjoyed each well-told story.

I also chose God I Feel Scared by Michelle Nietert, LPC-S and Tama Fortner, and illustrated by Nomar Perez. This is part of the Bringing Big Emotions to a Bigger God series. I love how the authors explain fear and what it is to be scared. It’s the perfect book to share with little ones to help them understand their fears. The authors share practical advice on the things the child can do in way children can understand. There’s also a Dear Parent page at the end that shares calm-down skills. The colorful illustrations will delight young readers. This is a great book to have in your personal library to share with your children.

I received free copies with no expectations. Opinions are my own.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Let Him Fight

Exodus 14:13-14
Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Of all the sports available to watch, I enjoy baseball the most. Tim and I and our family are big Reds fans. Growing up, I watched the Big Red Machine, and I remember the team through the years having some great seasons and some, let's just say, that didn't go as well. 

A few years ago, Tim talked about his desire to work at Great American Ballpark. In 2018, that dream came true. He's an usher in the sun/moon deck in the outfield. He often comes home with fun stories about the interesting fans he meets and what the team is up to. This year, we have a lot of rookies who are playing well and entertaining the fans with the hope of winning. Through his job, Tim has made friends with some fans who have caught home run balls. One of them snagged a Jake Fraley ball, and Jake signed it for him. When he showed it to Tim, Fraley had signed his name and written the verse, Exodus 14:14, on the ball.

When we searched out the verse, we found the familiar story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. God separated them from the Egyptians, who were chasing them by parting the sea and providing dry land for them to cross to safety. Moses told the Israelites to trust in God and let Him fight for them. Of course they grumbled, but finally they listened. They were a stubborn bunch.

That sounds too familiar to me. God has assured me He is fighting for me, and I know He is, yet fear and anxiety often sneak into the cracks. I might grumble and question, then finally I stop and listen. God stills me and assures me He has my back. Why do I question when there is no need? I pray my faith grows stronger as I seek to trust Him more.

Seek Him and trust in His care. 


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

No Fear of Bad News

It's hard not to fear bad news. 
As a person who's been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, 
I understand that ungrounded fear 
dredges itself up in the mind and plays tricks on me. 
Yet, because I trust in the Lord those fears reveal themselves as lies.

It's hard at times to turn my anxiety over to God, 
but I know in my heart I trust Him with everything in my life.

We're all a work in progress, as the saying goes.
Keep trusting and laying your fear at Jesus feet.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Faith Over Fear

When David faced Goliath, 
he focused on how big God is
not the size of Goliath.

Face giants with faith in the One who overcomes
instead of the fear the enemy dangles in our faces.


Saturday, July 9, 2022

I See the Light

Psalm 27:1
The Lord is my light and my salvation—
    whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
    of whom shall I be afraid?

A green light shone every six seconds.

Seventy-seven steps. The number of stairs a person would need to climb to get to the top of Marblehead Lighthouse. Tim and I have climbed those steps to the top, in the daytime, where we stood against the railing and viewed Kelleys Island in Lake Erie. When we turned to face the lighthouse, we peeked in on the magnificent LED lights that shine in the night.

We are drawn to the lighthouse at dusk, when the green light flashes every six seconds. There isn’t a beam, like a search light, instead there is a steady lamplight warning boats of the hazard of the nearby land and rocks.

Boats aren’t the only thing aware of the light at night. Mayflies are drawn to it. They appear around May, June, and July on Lake Erie. If there are a large number of the flying creatures, the lake is clean because these insects choose a clean environment to lay eggs. On Kelleys Island, I asked a young lady if they were bothered with mayflies. She told me they mostly come out at night because they love the light.

In my everyday life, God is my lighthouse. He’s not shining a search light, instead He’s a steady beam of light which draws me to Him out of the darkness of our broken world. Like the boats, I need Him to warn me of the dangers, and like the mayfly, I’m drawn to Him as my shelter.

David reminds me God is my stronghold and my shelter. I have no need to fear, because He’s the light which draws me to Him and the salvation for my soul.

When I keep my focus to God’s light, as I walk through this dark world, hope wells up in me and I embrace His peace.

Seek God’s light and salvation.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Suspense Review: Fatal Forensic Investigation by Darlene L. Turner

Book Description:
Remembering a serial killer’s face…could be deadly

While interviewing the Coastline Strangler’s only surviving victim, forensic artist Scarlet Wells is attacked and left with amnesia. Now she’s his next mark and has no choice but to work with constable Jace Allen to unlock the criminal’s true identity trapped in her mind. Will they be able to recover the hidden memory and hunt down the killer before he strikes again?

My Thoughts:
If you enjoy fast paced, sit on the edge of your seat stories, you'll want to read Fatal Forensic Investigation. Yes, there is a serial killer and he's after the woman who he thinks can identify him, but she can't. She has lost her memory, including the memories she has from college of constable Jace Allen. As the two take on this madman, they find themselves attracted to each other, but more important, they discover a faith they thought they had lost. Turner weaves a wonderful spiritual thread through the story as these characters face insurmountable situations.  I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Let Go and Let God

I've not crossed an ocean, 
but I have had to take my eyes off my comfort zone
and allow God to work in my life.

Writing and publishing seemed like the wide expanse of the sea,
with me swimming in choppy waters.

If I hadn't let go of my fear and anxiety and allowed God to work through me, 
I'd not know the joy of embracing courage 
and experiencing the journey God set for me. 

What do you need to let go of and give to God?


Saturday, December 4, 2021

Faith Before Fear

Luke 1:35-38
The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month. For no word from God will ever fail.”

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.

I love holding and rocking babies.

In 2009, we were thrilled to find out we'd have three grandbabies born. Max arrived in October, Eli in time for Christmas, and Zeke the following January. Our hearts overflowed with joy as we met each of these baby boys. As a grandma, I fell in love with them, just as I had my own babies. The boys have or will soon turn twelve, and they are lights in our lives. All so different from one another, yet so precious.

The mamas got to share in the joy and challenges of carrying a child, at the same time. Sisters, Sara and Maggie, expected Eli and Zeke with only five weeks separating their birth. What an exciting time for this grandma.

Cousins, Elizabeth and Mary, shared the experience of pregnancy and childbirth. Wow were their circumstances exceptional. Elizabeth was considered old, yet God blessed her with a child. Mary was a young virgin, yet God gave her a baby. Their stories are unusual and perhaps hard to believe. Yet the writers of the Bible tell the stories with clarity, truth, and hope.

I love Mary's humility as she accepts the angel's pronouncement. "For no word from God will ever fail." Her response says it all, "I am the Lord's servant." Mary believed. She trusted God and put her faith in front of her fear because she knew God never fails.

Can you imagine being in Mary's circumstance? Would people ridicule her? Would they punish her? She had more at stake than we might today. The Jewish laws were strict, and she could be severely punished for being unwed and pregnant. But she put her faith before her fear and trusted God with her life.

Elizabeth was old and her husband made mute before John the Baptist was born. Did Elizabeth hide with embarrassment or did she trust? She believed God blessed her, and she jumped with joy. She too put faith before fear.

This Christmas as we celebrate Jesus, put faith before fear and share about the babe who grew to be a man. Not just any man, but Jesus the Savior of this broken world.

Have the hard conversations and talk about the hope we have in Jesus.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Suspense Fiction Review: Obsession (Natchez Trace Park Rangers Book #2) by Patricia Bradley

Book Description:
Natchez Trace Ranger and historian Emma Winters hoped never to see Sam Ryker again after she broke off her engagement to him. But when shots are fired at her at a historical landmark just off the Natchez Trace, she's forced to work alongside Sam as the Natchez Trace law enforcement district ranger in the ensuing investigation. To complicate matters, Emma has acquired a delusional secret admirer who is determined to have her as his own. Sam is merely an obstruction, one which must be removed.

Sam knows that he has failed Emma in the past and he doesn't intend to let her down again. Especially since her life is on the line. As the threads of the investigation cross and tangle with their own personal history, Sam and Emma have a chance to discover the truth, not only about the victim but about what went wrong in their relationship.

Award-winning author Patricia Bradley will have the hairs standing up on the back of your neck with this nail-biting tale of obsession, misunderstanding, and forgiveness.

My Thoughts:
Obsession is a great title for this book, because I didn’t want to put it down. Sam Ryker must protect Emma Winters at any cost, but their feelings and families push and shove for and against them. As Sam deals with family baggage and Emma longs to find her beloved brother, the two are tangled in a mess of lies and danger. Patricia Bradley has written another suspense filled mystery that will have readers wondering what really happened, and who is chasing who. I love the setting of Natchez Trace and the nod to parks and historical remembrance. If you enjoy suspense with twists and turns, you’ll want to read Obsession
. Even though this is part of a series, it can be read as a stand alone. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Fiction Book Review: Callie (Ladies of Garfield book 1) and Terri (Ladies of Garfield book 2) by Sharon Srock

Book Description:


She can’t escape the mistakes of her past…

Callie Stillman has done everything she can to bury the memories of a tiny, baby-sized coffin. She lives life one day at a time, basking in the love of a good man and doting on her grandchildren. Until she crosses paths with a little girl who is obviously in trouble—but tries to hide it.

They can’t trust anyone…

Iris and Samantha Evans are living on borrowed time. Deserted, orphaned, betrayed, and deceived, they need rescuing in the worst way.

He’s praying for a miracle…

Steve Evans had his life changed by God. A reformed drug addict, he’s searching for the family he abandoned ten years ago…

When Callie can no longer ignore the signs that Iris needs help, her interference sends four people on a collision course that will force her to face the past she’d rather forget.


She’s always longed for more…

Running a thriving daycare keeps Terri Hayes busy. Add a new foster daughter to the mix and Terri shouldn’t have time to want more—but she does. At twenty-nine, her biological clock is ticking away. When a busted pipe floods her home, she finds temporary sanctuary in a basement apartment—one that just happens to be owned by her long-time crush, single dad Steve Evans.

Is he ready to date again?

Steve is widower, a father of two teenaged girls, and a successful writer. His life is full, but he wouldn’t mind exploring a romance with Terri. But when lines of communication get crossed, the budding relationship grounds to a halt.

Two matchmakers to the rescue…

Iris and Samantha Evans want a stepmother and have set their sights on Terri. Their matchmaking includes equal parts prayer and deception. Will their scheming result in the wedding of their dreams, or will the harsh confrontation between Steve and the parents of Terri’s foster child be an obstacle they can’t overcome?

My Review:
Sharon Srock writes books with heart. Callie is a woman troubled by an instance that she thinks was her fault. Iris and Sam need a mentor. In this heartfelt book, Sharon weaves a beautiful story. Inspirational and entertaining, she takes the reader on a soul searching journey, with characters who live authentic lives. I went on to read book 2 in the series, Terri, where the story continues. I enjoyed Terri's story as much as Callie's. I loved the threads of faith and hope that ran through both books. If you enjoy good inspirational fiction, you'll love these. There are more in the series I hope to read soon. I purchased my own copies of each book. My opinions are my own.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Joy of Discovery

Proverbs 2:1-6
My son, if you accept my words
    and store up my commands within you,
turning your ear to wisdom
    and applying your heart to understanding—
indeed, if you call out for insight
    and cry aloud for understanding,
and if you look for it as for silver
    and search for it as for hidden treasure,
then you will understand the fear of the Lord
    and find the knowledge of God.
For the Lord gives wisdom;
    from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

I love learning.

I wasn't fond of school, but I enjoyed the process of discovering new and interesting things. Even as a child, I challenged myself to study the Little Golden Guides to identify butterflies and flowers. Recently, I found a couple of these timely little books in one of the local park shops. I bought them for nostalgic reasons, plus I still enjoy identifying God's creatures. The fields and woods that surrounded my childhood home offered a fascinating classroom for my curious mind. I'd trudge through the field looking for insects, especially butterflies. Along with my love of nature, I enjoyed arts and crafts. I embroidered and sewed from a young age then as an adult I've added quilting and needle felting to my repertoire.

As I've aged, my curiosity has grown. Not just with my hobbies, but with my desire to dig up nuggets of wisdom in the Bible. As I open God's word, I long to understand the teachings. The scripture says I should seek out understanding and insight as if I'm searching for a buried treasure. Once I find even a grain of the knowledge God offers, I need to tuck those words into my heart.

Through his words of wisdom, I have come to understand what it means to fear the Lord. I've asked myself at times why I should fear the one who loves me. My answer: I fear the Lord with a respectful fear, he is all knowing and all powerful. He's my Father, and I trust him.

Seek God's wisdom and he will give you knowledge and understanding.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Spirit Leads Me

Psalm 143:8-10
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I entrust my life.
Rescue me from my enemies, Lord,
for I hide myself in you.
Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God;
may your good Spirit
lead me on level ground.

Oh the adventures we shared.

As kids, the neighbors, my cousin, and I played in the creek across the field. We couldn't resist the challenge of crossing from one bank to the other. We'd climb across fallen trees and try not to tumble into the not so deep water. We'd clamber over the slippery rocks
and balance on wet moss and rocky surfaces. One slip of the foot and we'd splash in the creek or maybe injure ourselves. But we climbed anyway. If we didn't challenge ourselves to conquer the creek, one of us would dare the other.

What I remember most—we weren't afraid. We took the challenge. We knew if we fell, one of our friends would help us up.

Seems like the life we live these days resembles the climb over slippery, uneven rocks. Jagged stones fill our paths and fallen trees offer a way out, but they may be dangerous, too.

With all the uncertainty, disagreements on how to move forward, and frustration over the changes life has taken, I have to trust God. Or I'd fall apart. Or worse tumble into the cold waters of fear. Believe me when I say, "COVID-19 is a scary uncertainty. The divide in our country frightens me." Yet I know I can face my fears and stare them down; because I trust in the one who will lead me away from the rocky terrain and take me to level ground. The Holy Spirit is working amidst all the chaos. He's holding my hand and giving me hope.

I love that I have God to trust in, Jesus to cling to, and the Holy Spirit to guide my way.

Trust God with the difficult stuff.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Fear-He is a Liar

Isaiah 41:13
For I am the Lord your God
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you.

I thought I was going to drowned.

Our neighbors pond was nestled in the middle of a field. As teenagers, I'd get together with my next-door friends, Cheryl, Brant and Mark, and we'd swim on those hot summer days. One day we played in the water, as usual, but something wasn't right. I'd swam out from the pond's bank, and I couldn't get back. I don't know what happened. I may have gotten my foot caught on something, for whatever reason, I got pulled under and couldn't get my bearings to stay above the water. The happy ending to the storyBrant jumped in and pulled me out. Ever since then I've feared putting my head under the water.

When I swim in the pool with my grandkids, I keep my head above the water. Because of that fear, I don't really swim. I know how, but I lost the desire. I love to splash and walk around in the pool, but I am afraid to go under.
Fear is vicious. Once it grabbed me, it wouldn't let go. The sad part is, I fear a fabricated "what if" that MIGHT happen.
This year has been difficult to say the least. When I went to the doctor's office the other day, I had an overwhelming fear of touching any surfaces. I've not experienced that until COVID-19. I have a feeling I'm not the only one. As I sat in the patient room, I asked God to help me, to calm my nerves and give me peace. And he did.

Instead of living in a state of fear, I want to live in peace. Instead of fear, I choose to trust the God of the universe, who cares for me more than I understand. The Bible says love casts out fear. That's God's love for us. His love pushes fear out the door.

I'm not sure I'll put my head under the water any time soon, but I know if I do, God is with me. That's comforting.

His love brings peace.

I fear a fabricated "what if" that MIGHT happen. Click to Tweet

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Instead of Fear

Instead of fear, trust. Instead of fear, sing. 
Instead of fear, believe in the good. 
Instead of fear, embrace the power of God's Spirit.

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid,
but gives us power, love and self-discipline.
~2 Timothy 1:7

Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Man Had Enemies

Psalm 56:1-4
Be merciful to me, my God,
    for my enemies are in hot pursuit;
    all day long they press their attack.
My adversaries pursue me all day long;
    in their pride many are attacking me.
When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise—
in God I trust and am not afraid.
    What can mere mortals do to me?

Their target was King David.

The man had many enemies. In the Psalm, he wrote of being chased and pursued by armies. Thwarted on every side. He hid in caves, he ran, but in the end he knew where to find help.

In the midst of this health emergency we are in together—I hear fear. Will I get the virus? Will my loved one get it? Will we ever get to go back to work? Will we survive financially? So many questions, and all good ones. Everyone has been touched by this invisible nemesis.

When I ponder those same questions, I'm tempted to ball up with anxiety.
But I have good news. I've found comfort in the Psalms. As David was chased by his enemies, he recognized his refuge, his safe place, his best place to shelter in place—in the arms of God. Each day as I read a new chapter, I see God peeling away my layers of fear and replacing them with trust. No matter what happens, I trust God to love and comfort me.

Is this easy? No. But I choose to place my hope in God.

Do I fear? Yes. But I trust God more.
Psalm57:1 Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Whom Shall I Fear

I'm human. 
I get scared. 

As I talk with family and friends, I hear fear. 
Fear that life won't get back to normal for a long while.
Fear of contracting a vicious virus.
Fear of fear.

Instead of living in a state of anxiety, I'm choosing to trust God
as I practice common sense and apply wisdom.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Take my Fear

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Remember being afraid of the dark?

The monster under the bed?

Reading out loud in class?

Anxiety, fear's best friend, has plagued me for as long as I can remember. I counted how many paragraph's my classmates had to read before my turn, then practiced the words in my head. All while I wrung my hands in worry. At night, I'd pull my arms and legs in tight, so the monster under the bed couldn't grab a dangling limb. If I was caught outside in the dark, I'd run so hard that I panted like a dog.

Those were the fears of childhood.

Those childish fears morphed into adult anxieties. Fear of failure, uncertainty at work, clutching material possessions too close, worrying about the very things I could do nothing about. Or worse, worry over things that would never happen. And the list grows. The more fear takes over—the more anxiety and worry explode.

Fear can be crippling. Many of the things we dread, never happen. I've learned to examine what I'm afraid of, and most of the time I'm relieved to find there was nothing to be alarmed about in the first place. When I am truly afraid with legitimate concern, I pray. I transfer my fear to the One who loves me. He promises to give me strength and hold me in his hand.

Through faith, I trust Jesus to take my fear and calm my soul. In 1 John 4:18 I read, "There is no fear in love." Jesus is the love that drives out fear.
I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened. -Mark Twain

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Fear of failure
Fear of the dark
Fear of success
Fear of bugs

No matter the fear, Jesus love overcomes all fear.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Go in Peace

John 14:25-27
“All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

It's hard to let go.

Change takes courage.

Acceptance requires acknowledgement.

Some days I feel like I'm at the center of a hurricane, and I want to tuck in and wait out the storm. But I can't. Instead, I wrap my raincoat around me, pull up my hood and head into the eye. But I don't march in alone. The Holy Spirit walks with me. Jesus holds my hand. In the midst of change, difficulty, and acceptance, I travel with the One who fills my heart with peace.

Before he died, Jesus spoke to his disciples about a future on earth without him. As you might expect, they didn't understand he was about to change the course of history. They wanted him to stay. But he couldn't. God called him to fulfill a purpose, to give his life as a sacrifice for sin. As he prepared the disciples for his death and resurrection he spoke with assurance. Major change was about to occur. The revolution had begun.

Jesus left the disciples with a mandate. " Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." Perfect words to recite, as we march into a new year.

Go forward with Jesus' peace in your heart.