Showing posts with label affliction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label affliction. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Three Things That Help Me Through Life

Three things I cling to in times of trouble—joy, patience, and faithfulness.

Without joylife is bleak.
With joyI have hope.

Without patiencelife can drive me crazy.
With patienceaffliction is tolerable.

Without faithfulnessI fall apart.
With faithfulnessI can go to God in prayer.

 Romans 12:12

Saturday, July 18, 2020

They Remind Me of Hope

Romans 12:12
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Every summer, for as long as I remember, I've looked forward to the black-eyed Susan's blooms. I love how they dot the fields and ditches as if they are attending a ball and dressed in their finest array. Yet they show a humbleness by bowing their heads in a friendly wave. Their golden yellow color reminds me of the summers of my youth when we'd play in the fields, take walks or ride our bikes down the one-lane road, and these lovely flowers would dance and sway.

They also appear around my birthday. As a child I thought God planted them just for me, in time to celebrate the day I was born. (Can you keep a secret? I still feel a little bit that way.) For whatever reason He created such a delightful yet simple flower, I'll be forever grateful. When this perennial beauty returns, I am reminded of the eternal hope I have in Jesus.

The verse in Romans encourages me to remain joyful because I have hope. Hope of eternal life, hope of salvation, and hope for a life filled with joy. But in this world I will have pain and sorrow. The writer of Romans calls it affliction. I think of that word as a medical malady, but I believe he refers to the difficulties of life. It's hard to be patient when Satan attacks, when I feel hurt and stepped on, and when life just stinks. Yet I am called to be patient, to wait on the Lord. He asks me to be faithful in prayer. Jesus wants me to call on him in my affliction. His desire is for me to talk to him and seek his help.

I'm thankful I have hope that gives joy. I'm grateful for patience (I kind of cringe when I say that, but I know patience is a blessing.) I'm more than appreciative that I can talk to God about life. He listens to me and takes what I say to heart.

When you see the black-eyed Susan's nodding their heads, remember there's hope in Jesus.