I’ve had some kind of needle in my hand since I
was five years old. I started with an embroidery needle and floss. I’m sure my
early stitches mimicked scratches on a hieroglyphic wall. As my eye-hand
coordination improved, I took time to perfect my skills. With practice and
interest, I moved on to a quilting needle, sewing machine, crochet hook, latch
hook, and a failed attempt at knitting needles.

A few years ago, one of the professor’s in the art
department at the local college offered a class on felting wool. I thought I’d
give it a shot. This class did not involve a needle, just the gentle motion of
my hands in warm water and wet wool. I gave my best attempt to move the
materials around in the water at a slow, easy pace. That lasted about ten
minutes. My patience wore thin and so did the wool. I finished the project and
then walked away. Not long ago, this same teacher offered a workshop on needle
felting. Note the word needle. I loved it. Since then, I’ve created a few items
myself and plan to make more. I guess I just needed a needle in my hand in
order to create.
integrate this new hobby into my life I:
- · Set aside a box to keep the supplies in
- · Found venues to purchase supplies
- · Looked at needle felting books
- · Sketched out ideas
- · Let my imagination roam
- · Put the needle in hand and felted away

I enjoy learning new crafts, but I’m limited on
time. Finding a way to incorporate my new hobby into my life adds an avenue for
creativity and relaxation.
Do you have a creative outlet? What do you do to
relax? If you do needle felting do you have any tips to share?