Anita’s latest with Heartsong,
Home at Last, takes the reader on a roller
coaster ride of emotions as Olivia and Noah discover that everything they
believed may be tumbling down around them.
Olivia set aside her own goals and dreams to care for her
employer for more than twenty years. Noah believed his mother and resented his
father. Two people caught in a web of deceit struggle to regain trust. Only God
can lead them to the truth.
Anita delivers a tender story of love even as Olivia’s
innocence and Noah’s worldliness clash. Through emotion and searching, the
story carries the reader through the ups and downs of discovery and acceptance.
The beautiful, but rundown old house where Noah grew up and Olivia’s lived for
more than twenty years is a fascinating backdrop. I love when a home or town
act as another character in a story.
Anita’s writing, as usual, paints a
beautiful picture of life and the abundant love God has for His people. This quick
read will stick with you as you contemplate how trust in God can change your