March 26, 2025
to produce or yield flowers or
to mature into achievement of one's potential
The yellow celandine blooms cover the forest floor.
A sure sign of spring at the park are these lovely yellow flowers.
They fight through the cold to produce bright, happy flowers.
I love seeing their blooms.
I also enjoy the other kind of bloom.
One thing about being a parent, grandparent, and aunt
has been to watch the folks I loved as wee ones grow into themselves.
Joy bubbles in my heart as I witness our children, grands,
and nieces and nephews discover who they are.
March 19, 2025
Germination is the process a seed goes through when it “wakes up” from its dormant state and starts to grow
God has placed possibility and potential in one tiny seed.
A seed can feed a family or offer beauty.
Given the best circumstances, the seed develops under the ground,
pushes its stem through the soil and grows into a lovely plant.
I'm sure many folks are in their greenhouses planting seeds
to prepare for their gardens and flower beds.
Even as a child, I was fascinated by the seeds placed in the garden.
We dropped corn and beans in long rows and watched
the miracle of germination.
I've planted many zinnia seeds and been amazed
by the rainbow of colors that appear.
Planting seeds isn't just the act of poking a grain into the ground.
We plant seeds in people too.
Seeds of kindness, encouragement, joy, and hope.
And, oh, how I love to watch those seeds grow!
March 12, 2025
a young individual of various animals related to the goat
I got to do a bit of farm therapy with Hannah.
We traveled to Hannah's husband's cousin's homestead
to visit baby goats.
Oh, they were a delight.
I've known the word kid referred to a young goat, but isn't it interesting
young children are also called kids.
Maybe, because they are also a delight.
Have some fun. Spend time with a young animal or child.
March 5, 2025
a person who reads in bed
March is National Reading Month.
Every night before I go to bed, I read several chapters in a book.
Not that the books put me to sleep, but they help me relax
and forget the troubles of the day.
I hope I write books that help people shed their worries.
Right now I'm on a cozy mystery kick,
since I'm learning how to write them,
and they are one of my favorite genres.
Do you read in bed?
February 26, 2025
traveling from one place to the other
It’s more about the journey than the destination. When Tim and
I travel, we enjoy the trip as much as the place we’re headed to. Almost eight
years ago, we drove to Maine. Along the way, we stopped at several lighthouses
and other fun spots. If we’d driven straight through, we’d have missed some wonderful
Life’s journey isn’t only about travel.
I want my dash
between birth and death to be a purposeful experience, not just me going from
one checked off item to the next.
The best adventure I’ve ever taken is my journey with Jesus.
I’m thankful he asked me to journey with him on the most
amazing excursion yet!
February 19, 2025
A person that thrives in cold weather, someone who finds
happiness in the serenity of snowy days.
This one is for my dear friend, Marla, and me.
Marla often posts how much she loves winter and snow, and so
do I. My friend even has a Princess Snow Doll she sets out in winter, and I
have Mr. and Mrs. Snow, a pair of snow people I had made for my mom. With a
maiden name like Frost, how could I not like winter?
Ohio winters are unpredictable, but this year we had just
enough snow and cold to satisfy this chionophile.
Do you enjoy snow?
February 12, 2025
Philocalist: a lover of beauty,
someone who finds and
appreciates beauty in all things.
I tend to
notice beauty around me, especially in the natural world.
Do you?
Beautiful art is to be admired, but the beauty God has created is to be cherished.
Even in the starkness of winter, I find beauty in the solitude.
Seeing life in this way helps me keep a positive
February 5, 2025
Hurkle-durkle: lounge in bed, long after it's time to get up
In aligning with my Scottish heritage, I'm embracing the word hurkle-durkle.
This two-hundred year old term was timely for me this past week.
I had an upper respiratory virus and felt the need to
lounge in bed long after I should have been up and about.
Rosie likes to hurkel-durkle.
January 29, 2025
Woolgathering: dreamy imagining
Some call it daydreaming, but I like the phrase woolgathering.
Remember sitting at the desk by the windows at school and
your mind drifted away from the lesson and into your imagination.
As a writer of fiction, I get to woolgather.
I admit, it's one of my favorite parts of the writing experience—
imagining the characters, the stories, and the setting.
I remember woolgathering at work (oops, I probably shouldn't admit that)
but I dreamed of the day I'd retire and spend more time writing and
enjoying life as a wife, mom, and grammy.
I'm so thankful God gave humans the ability to imagine.
Do you spend time woolgathering?
January 22, 2025
The word hygge came into my life a few years ago.
The practice of filling the home with items like books, blankets and quilts,
candles, coffee or tea, a fireplace (I found one on TV.)
Whatever makes you comfortable.
The Scandinavian practice brings comfort and coziness through simplicity.
I'd been doing this for years and didn't know there was a specific word for it.
Try hygge (pronounced hooga.) Especially in the winter. It's fun!
The little mice in the tree trunk are quite cozy.
January 15, 2025
When I looked through the photos on my phone,
I was struck by the contrast between my winter gnomes and the snow
compared to the summer flowers painted on the old window frame.
As we sit in the cold days,
we may dream of the flowers that bloom in warmer weather.
Summer and winter in Ohio offer quite the contrast.
What contrasts do you notice around you?
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