Saturday, September 7, 2024

Why Worry?

Luke 22:25-26
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?

“Worry is worshipping your problem. Prayer is surrendering your problem.”

I remember the day I walked Sara to the huge yellow school bus at the end of the short driveway and handed her over to ride the bus to school. The next year, I repeated the act with Maggie and a few years later, with Hannah. For a young mom, it wasn’t easy sending my babies to school. I wanted to go with them and watch over them.

Looking back, now that all the girls have made it into their forties, they were prepared for their first steps toward independence. They all succeeded and two of them went on to work in the education field and one in non-profit.

As a young momma, I spent time worrying when I should have been praying. Over the years, those worries did turn into prayers. I still ask God to watch over my kiddos every day. Plus, all the people we’ve added to our family along the way.

Jesus wants me to trust him instead of fretting over something I have no control over. Yes, I prepared my kids for school and moving forward, and that’s all I could do, except pray and be available.

In Luke, Jesus speaks to the people and asks how worry can add a single hour to their life. If anything, worry tears away at us. Worry produces stress, which causes health issues and doesn’t take me anywhere but into a tailspin.

Jesus’ wisdom speaks into my heart as I’m reminded not to worry and instead to pray.

 When worry niggles at you, seek Jesus, pray, and trust Him.

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