Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A Wink of Color

The blueish-purple bud winked at me. 

Mostly green, from the trees, bushes, and stems, 
wrapped the edges of the walking path, this time of year. 
The spring flowers have completed their life cycle
of gorgeous blooms, while just a few blossoms remain.

As we trekked through the wooded area, the wink of color, 
the humble spiderwort plant shared, caught my eye.
The tall green stem and spikey leaves held the three petals high.

Had I not been paying attention, I would have missed the beauty 
God created in the small petals. 
Even the yellow of the anthem that sits atop the filament
added a brightness to the pretty plant.

God is in the details. 
He knows our hearts as well as he knows this lovely flower.
He's with me in every little and big thing. Always.


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