Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Simple Life

It's complicated.
I hear people mutter that from time to time--but what if it's not.

What if life is simple? 
The choices I make determine whether I complicate my life or not.
I'm not talking about circumstances that happen, 
I'm talking about how I choose to respond 
to those circumstances and how I live every day life.

My go to response is prayer. 
I bend God's ear and ask Him for guidance.
I talk with people I trust, like my husband, Tim, and my family.
And I read my Bible and follow Jesus.
I open myself to the Holy Spirit's guidance.

Those are all simple things to do to live a simple life.

As I live here on earth, I enjoy the flowers 
and sunsets and all the beauty God created.
I drink coffee and do the work God calls me to do.
I pet my dog and enjoy her company.
I embrace my grandchildren with love and hope for their future.
And I'm grateful for every day I'm given.

Sure, life can be complicated, but there are ways to simplify.

What do you do to simplify your life?


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