Saturday, December 15, 2018

Christmas Blessings: Hope

Luke 2:17-18
When they [shepherds] had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child,  and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. 

Psalm 71:14
As for me, I will always have hope;
 I will praise you more and more.

I watch a lot of Christmas movies, mostly Hallmark. This particular year, as I'm recovering from knee replacement surgery, they've been great company. In almost every one of them, someone mentions the "magic of Christmas." True love develops, hearts are healed, mysteries solved due to this holiday spirit. Whether set in a small town or big city, the characters depend on the enchantment of the season to carry them through.

While that's sweet and entertaining, 
the magic of Christmas isn't magic at all.

After the shepherds laid eyes on baby Jesus, magic didn't pour over them. Initially fear filled their hearts. But then, the men who traveled to Bethlehem from the sheep fields witnessed God's hope for mankind. With beautiful, amazing hope they told everyone they met about the King born in the stable of Bethlehem. These men understood that God's promise of redemption arrived on earth. And they were excited! Because they found hope.

I'll admit that at Christmas positivity fills the air. People seem nicer, more thoughtful, more attentive. They smile more and practice kindness. For this I'm thankful. I know people say it's the season that brings out the good in people. But, I believe hope is the reason. The hope in Jesus fills the air. The excitement over this little baby, who would grow into a man and save us from the depravity of the world, arrived here. To save us!

That's hope, friends! Hope in Jesus.

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