Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow
will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Worry causes me to take my eyes off of the one who
calms my soul. I'm not anxious about money, or my health. I'm not as anxious as
I used to be about our kids. Although, I can still work up a good worry about
them. But the one area that makes my anxiety go up, like the mercury in a thermometer on a ninety-degree day, is my
grandchildren. With Facebook, Twitter, newspapers and the news, I read way too
much bad news. So far this summer I've read probably fifteen different stories
about how bad ticks and mosquitoes will be this summer and the diseases they carry. People have posted lots of
articles on water safety/tragedies. Then there are the other stories that I hate
to even mention, that involve children. Please understand, I take all of this
seriously, but I shouldn't let it terrify me.
Instead I should take my concerns to the one I
trust the most. The God of all creation, who made the universe and counted
every silver hair on my head. Our children and grandchildren are growing up in
trying times. One tragedy after another. And all I want to do is protect them
all. But that's not my job. No, my job is to pray. To ask God to watch after
the little ones, and not so little ones. To seek God's guidance as I share life
with them. Instead of spending time drowning in the depths of worry, I hit my
knees and asked forgiveness for not trusting the one who holds my heart and the
hands of our grandchildren. They are a valuable treasure, God has given me.
Instead of worrying I want to spend my time encouraging them and teaching them
about the hope I have in the Lord.
Worry is a pariah that results in paralyzing fear. Instead of worrying—pray and trust God.
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