About the book:
A crumbling statue. A torn tapestry. A discolored painting.
Artisans can reclaim exquisite beauty from the broken, frayed, and hopefully shattered---perhaps once thought beyond repair. But what about us? What of the wounds that keep us from living the life we want to live?
In Tattered and Mended, readers walk through a gallery of reclaimed and restored art as well as broken and restored lives of those who have gone before us. With a gentle touch and personable wisdom, Cynthia Ruchti shows how even the most threadbare soul can once again find healing and hope.
A crumbling statue. A torn tapestry. A discolored painting.
Artisans can reclaim exquisite beauty from the broken, frayed, and hopefully shattered---perhaps once thought beyond repair. But what about us? What of the wounds that keep us from living the life we want to live?
In Tattered and Mended, readers walk through a gallery of reclaimed and restored art as well as broken and restored lives of those who have gone before us. With a gentle touch and personable wisdom, Cynthia Ruchti shows how even the most threadbare soul can once again find healing and hope.

As an artist, sewer, and crafter, I've repaired many clothing items, afghans, quilts, and even socks. My daughter's dog chewed a hole in the quilt I designed just for her. With a bit of sadness, I pulled scraps of the fabric from my box and stitched over the huge tear. I couldn't restore it to the crisp, freshness it once had, but I could mend it and make it beautiful and useful again.
In Cynthia's book, Tattered and Mended, she tells
several stories about souls who are wounded. When it comes right down to it,
aren't we all. There have been times in my life when I was sure I couldn't
heal. But my heavenly Father knew better. He poured his love over me and
soothed my heartache. When I read what Cynthia wrote, "It's not our work,
The soul wasn't our invention. It was his." I sighed in relief knowing God
has my soul in his caring hands.
This is a beautiful account of a life lived alongside the tattered and wounded. With every chapter, I knew Cynthia had lived what she wrote. She's not just spouting Bible verses. Instead she's in the ditches with the rest of us walking beside the sad, lonely, and brokenhearted, sometimes being the one who's hurting. This author is real and transparent in her experience and wisdom. As an artist, I love the examples she uses in each
chapter to show restoration. I highly recommend this book for anyone who needs
encouragement or insight into the art of healing.

Purchase a copy: http://bit.ly/1H8k2LE
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