According to Tabya Gulevich in Christmas from A to Z, Thomas Edison strung the first outdoor
lights. In 1880 he hung them outside of his Menlo Park Laboratory. But,
pre-strung electric lights didn’t catch on until after World War II when the
average American had electricity and could afford the lights.
I can imagine that first holiday when neighborhoods joined
together to create shining light shows. The pure joy of colorful vibrant lights
must have brought a happy buoyancy to the night.
Before the holidays end, I hope to take a ride with my
grandchildren and enjoy the sparkling holiday lights near their homes. We’ll ohhh
and ahhh over our favorite displays. Take an evening and pile the family in the
car. Drive around, view the lights and spend time sharing this joy of the
One of my favorite memories of Christmas lights was the year
that my brother climbed our 15+ foot pine tree and strung it with bulbs. That
tree lighted the night sky like a lighthouse at sea.
What’s your favorite light
display memory?