Friday, July 1, 2011

Maybe by 60

Since I turned 50 I've experienced a colonoscopy (and that is quite an experience), carpal tunnel surgery- both wrists, deviated septum corrective surgery and physical therapy for my back. More than one doctor encouraged me to lose weight and I cannot forget the delightful onset of perimenopause. (Did I mention that I can be sarcastic)

Today I found out that I need an MRI on my knee. Before Easter I fell over my ninety pound dog, Tater, then I went to sit down with my grandson and must have twisted my knee because I felt an excruciating pop accompanied by searing pain. Sometimes this type of injury heals itself, no such luck. So maybe the doctor knows a magic formula that will restore my crotchety old knee and send me on my way dancing and singing.  

I'm thinking that by the time I am 60 I will be patched back together, good as new. I love being an optimist.


  1. you did not tell me this about your knee mom. but i guess its only right if you also have to have knee surgery since all three of us did. is it your right knee?

  2. My right knee Hannah. Hope it is not ACL--maybe something less complicated. Wish you could come home and take care of me :)

  3. Kindled the trilogy we talked about. Good luck with your MRI. Let's hope for something simply fixable. Love the blog!!


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